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Sub's POV

Yesterday was interesting. First dinner. Elijah had a seizure and Alex and Elijah almost beat up a bunch of dumb teenagers. Then at 3 am Rosie came running into my room and brought me to Elijah, who was having another seizure. He had a rough day.

I was sitting at the counter on a stool explaining what happened last night. They were very worried. Thankfully Rosie was trained well and knew what to do. When I finished breakfast I went to the couch and turned on the TV. Denis went to his room and Alex left to get everyone coffee.

After a few minutes, I heard a door open. I turned to the sound and saw Elijah sluggishly walking out of his room, Rosie close to his feet. He flopped down on the couch and groaned. He looked like a mess. His hair was still all messy, he had bags under his eyes and still looked tired.

"You look like you haven't slept in years." I joked. I quickly took back the statement. I looked back at Elijah.

"You're not wrong," Elijah mumbled then laughed. I sighed in relief thinking he was gonna be upset. He pulled something up to his face. I saw a neon green and quickly snatched it from him.

"Hey!" He yelled, pathetically reaching out for the thing in my hand. It was an energy drink. He wasn't allowed to have them anymore.

"No," I commanded. He groaned again and sat up.



"Me want." He reached out for it. I nudged him and held the drink farther away from him. We basically started wrestling for it. 

I was being very careful. Elijah had become so fragile over the years. He was much smaller and weaker. 

I held him back and placed the drink on the coffee table next to the couch. I picked Elijah up over my shoulder and brought him into the kitchen. I heard him mumble a few curse words. I placed him on a stool, got a water bottle, and gave it to him. He gave me a look.

"What? Do you want apple juice instead?" I laughed. He smiled and opened the bottle. 

We went back into the living room and watched a show. It wasn't very good and we were just roasting it half the time. Denis eventually came back upstairs and joined us.

"I'm ba-"

"JUST USE THE DOOR!" I yelled. I turned to Alex. He seemed very confused. "We're watching a terrible horror movie."

"Ah." Alex walked over to us and handed Denis and me (ayyyye) our coffee. Elijah gave us all a death stare. Alex went over to him and handed him a bottle of orange juice. Elijah sighed and placed it next to his water bottle. Alex sat down and watched (roasted) the rest of the movie with us.

Once the movie finished, Denis suddenly hopped up and went into his room. He came back out with a necklace.

"I forgot about this." He went up to Elijah and put it on him. "It's a medic alert necklace. The doctor recommended that we buy one for you just in case." The necklace had a tag on it. It had Elijah's full name and a red hospital cross. Under that it said, Epileptic.

"Oh, thanks! I was looking at these." Elijah said.

The rest of the day carried on as usual. It was around 6:30. We had all eaten and were discussing whether or not we should go to a carnival that recently opened near us. Elijah was more on the 'we shouldn't go' side.

"How long would we stay for? I don't wanna get tired and have another seizure. Do they allow service dogs? I read that flashing lights could cause seizures." Elijah rambled on. He seemed very worried. He had done a lot of research on epilepsy. It's comforting to know that he is trying to stay safe, but he's keeping himself from doing so many things.

"Elijah. Calm down. You can take your medicine before we leave, if you get tired we'll leave right away, and if they don't allow Rosie we can go do something else." Alex said. Elijah nodded, stood up, and went over to the medicine cabinet. He took out his medicine and got a glass of water. After he took it, he went over to Rosie and put her harness on. We all got on our jackets and left.

Once we got there, Elijah kept fiddling with Rosie's leash. I walked up to the worker selling tickets.

"Excuse me? Do you allow service dogs?" I asked. The man looked behind me at Elijah and Rosie. He smiled.

"Are they trained?" The man said. I nodded.

"Then they're allowed! They're not allowed on any of the rides though. " He explained. I turned and gave the others a thumbs up. They came over and we bought tickets.

We went into the carnival and Denis and Alex were arguing over which ride we went on first. Elijah seemed to pick for them because he ran up to a swing ride. We followed him.

"How about two people stay with Rosie and two went on the ride," Alex suggested.

"Nah. I'll sit out for this ride. I'll probably throw up." Denis laughed. We all went up to the person accepting the tickets and handed them our tickets. They nodded. We went over to a swing and sat down. Elijah kept swinging his legs back and forth, I was just looking around, and Alex was struggling with his seat belt. Two people walked around to help people, including Alex.

"Haha! Loser." Elijah called. Alex swung his foot at Elijah but was too far away to hit him. We all laughed a bit then the ride started. We started going around in circles, getting higher in the process.

The ride ended. Alex was again struggling with his seat belt, Elijah had already gone back out to Rosie, and I was helping Alex.

"You idiot. You're the oldest one here and can't figure out a seatbelt." I joked. Alex sighed and we went to join the others.

The rest of the night was fun. We went on a few more rides and played games. Elijah won himself a small teddy bear, Alex got a bubble machine, Denis and I got nothing. As we were leaving, Elijah kept looking behind us.

"You ok?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I-i just feel like someone was watching me the whole time. I don't know, I might just be paranoid." He said. He clutched Rosie's leash more. I glanced behind us. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing. Except,

A man in all black taking pictures of us.

1122 words

spicey stoof

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