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  3rd POV

Denis was sitting on his bed, trying not to start freaking out. Sub and Elijah were watching a show. They didn't see Denis. They were all going to meet Denis's family. Normally this wouldn't be a problem if Denis's family didn't completely side with him. After Elijah was taken away again, Denis moved into his step-brother's house. He told his brother all about what happened and soon the whole family knew. They all agreed with Denis. Now that Elijah had tried to kill himself and didn't remember anything, Denis felt terrible. His family still agreed with him and hated Elijah. Denis didn't say that Elijah was coming. In fact, he didn't specify which friends he was bringing. Of course, he brought the two his family disliked.

"Dindin when are we going to your mom's house?" Sub pipped in. Denis snapped out of his thoughts and looked up.

"Uhm. S-soon," Denis mumbled. Sub shrugged and turned back to the show, just in time for Spongebob to come on. Elijah brightened up and started singing along to the song. Denis sighed. He didn't want to ruin Elijah's happiness. He was finally happy after over 6 years.

It was now 5:45. The three needed to go over to Denis's parent's house for dinner. Sub was trying to be as formal as possible while Elijah was in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Canada got very cold during the winter and Denis was not taking any risks with Elijah. Denis had a thick blanket and he had Elijah wear warm clothes. Denis didn't wear anything too formal because it was his family. The three all left and went into the elevator. Denis kept checking on Elijah who was wrapped tightly in the blanket and carrying a moose stuffed animal Denis had bought him after they went swimming. They left the hotel and took a car that they had rented for the week, over to the house. The whole drive Denis was anxious and stressed. Sub seemed to notice and tapped Denis on the shoulder.

"You all right buddy?" Sub asked. Denis wanted to nod but ended up shaking his head instead. He was going to have to tell them or they were going to find out the hard way. Denis turned up the radio slightly so Elijah couldn't hear the conversation.

"My family doesn't exactly like you two. When I moved out I told them about everything and they all sided with me. I'm just nervous that it'll ruin Elijah's mood." Denis whispered. Sub looked slightly shocked then nodded.

"We'll just try to avoid it." Sub sighed. Denis nodded and focused on the road.

They arrived at the house and were now helping Elijah, who was still wrapped like a burrito, into his wheelchair. Once he was comfortable, they made their way to the front door. Denis lifted his hand to knock but lowered it in hesitation. He turned to Sub. Sub nodded and smiled. Denis smiled back and knocked on the door. A woman opened the door and smiled at Denis.

"Denis!" She called. She was shorter than Denis so he leaned down slightly and the woman kissed his forehead.

"Mom this is-" Denis stopped. The woman stared at Elijah with anger. Elijah just tried looking away. "This is Elijah and Sub." Denis finished. The woman looked back at her son. She sighed and opened the door wider.

"N-nice to meet you. Ms?" Sub said, pushing Elijah into the warm house.

"Ms. Kotopun." The woman said sternly. She turned and asked Denis to follow her. He did as asked and disappeared into the kitchen leaving Elijah and Sub alone. Sub closed the door and Elijah wheeled himself into the living room. Sub followed him and sat on a chair. Elijah stared down at the moose and fiddled with its antlers. Sub noticed and ruffled his hair.

"What's wrong?" Sub asked. Elijah looked up with a sad expression.

"Why was she so mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" Elijah said, holding back tears. Sub didn't know what to say.

"Uhm. Well, you did-...something bad before you lost your memory..." Sub mumbled, hoping Elijah wouldn't hear. Sadly Elijah heard and tears started falling down his face.

"Does it have to do with my nightmare?" Elijah asked.

"What nightmare?"

"I fell into a pool and hurt Alex." Elijah turned away. If the nightmare was really true, he felt terrible. Sub started crying too. Elijah took that as a yes and buried the moose into his face. Sub stood up and comforted his friend. Soon Denis came back. He went over to Sub and asked what happened. He explained and Denis hugged the two.

They were all sitting in the living room, playing with the moose, pointing out things, and talking, trying to cheer up Elijah. They were getting somewhere, but Ms. Kotopun walked in.

"Dinner's ready." She mumbled. Denis stood and looked back at his friends. Sub nodded and they went into the dining room. Elijah kept hiding his face. He could feel all of the eyes staring at him. Sub pushed Elijah into his spot in between him and Denis. They all sat and started talking. Elijah kept quiet and barely ate. Denis and Sub kept checking on him to make sure he was ok. During the whole hour-long diner, Elijah only had one piece of bread.

Once everyone was finished, Denis and his step-brother helped clean the table. Denis's sister had to leave a bit early and his parents sat at the table talking with each other. Sub kept trying to get Elijah to eat more, but nothing worked. Denis's brother came over and asked to take the plates in front of the two. Sub nodded and handed him the plates, one of which being a glass of water. Denis' brother 'tripped' and the water spilled all over Elijah.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry! I'll get a towel" He called sarcastically. Elijah sat in silence. He was drenched in water. Sub kept trying to get his attention and get him to cheer up, but nothing worked anymore. Denis' parents let out a quick laugh before getting up and bringing their plates into the kitchen. Denis came running into the dining room.

"What happened?!" He yelled, seeing Elijah. Sub turned to him.

"We're leaving. Now." He said sternly. Denis stood there. Sub stood up and pushed Elijah to the front door. Denis went to follow, but something pulled his arm. He turned around to his step-dad. He was holding Denis' arm, keeping him from leaving.

"Are you really going to leave your family for your friends? One of which tried to kill two people." He said, tightening his grip.

"Denis come on!" Sub yelled. Denis turned to his voice. Sub was standing in the archway between the dining room and the living room. Denis's step-dad and Sub kept yelling back and forth. It went on for about 5 minutes....

Until there was a crash from outside. Everyone went silent. 

1148 words

I told you to enjoy the happy chapters while it lasted >:)

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