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Denis's POV

The past few months have been...not good. Sub still can't speak. The doctor says the wound was deep enough to affect his vocal cords, but they didn't think it would.

Elijah isn't doing well either. He can barely remember anything unless it's written down, told to him 20 times, or sometimes he'll randomly remember things. He can't walk for very long on his own so he needs to use a wheelchair again. His seizures have gotten worse as well. Instead of the normal, jerking and shaking it's now screaming, crying, and a trip to the hospital. They last over 5 minutes and Elijah can't move at all after them.

After he recovers, it's like he went back in time. He'll talk about Ethan a lot and it's clear that he still remembers what happened to Ethan.

Elijah will be talking about, or to, Ethan then suddenly freeze up and change the subject. We've also seen him talk to himself a few times. Although I believe he's talking to Ethan. He normally 'talks to himself' when he's upset, stressed, or really happy.

I've been keeping an eye on him. I never let him go out of my sight if he's sad. A few times when he talks to himself he's mentioned that he doesn't want to live. I can see why though. I don't want him to die yet either. He's still in his 20's! But with how much sh*t he's been through I wouldn't be that upset if passed. If he doesn't I don't think it will be him that does it. With his terrible seizures, we all are prepared for the worst.

His family hasn't been much help. Alex and I wanted to tell them about what was going on. They wanted nothing to do with us.

Only Ron and his family listened. He, his wife, Kaitlyn, and Lucas are going to stay with us for a few days.

I was in the living room with Elijah. He was laying on the couch with Rosie on the floor and Rudy on his chest. We were watching cartoons. We tried other shows but Elijah would forget most of it. He said to watch cartoons instead because he liked the drawings and it was easier to remember.

"Who's that?" Elijah asked as a character popped up on the screen. I was sitting against the couch.

"That's the store owner from earlier," I explained. Elijah nodded. We kept watching until there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Alex yelled running to the front door. I stood up and helped Elijah into his wheelchair. Thank god we didn't get rid of it.

"Alex! Good to see you!" I heard someone cheer. I turned to the front door. Ron and his wife were talking to Alex. Kaitlyn and Lucas saw Elijah and ran from their parents.

"Uncle Elijah!" Lucas called. Elijah sat Lucas on his lap and hugged him.

"Hey, it's my favorite niece and nephew!" Elijah said.

"We're your only niece and nephew!" Kaitlyn giggled. I left them and went over to Alex. Ron noticed me and smiled.

"Hey, Denis! Thanks for letting us stay with you." Ron said.

"No problem!" I replied. I turned to Ron's wife. "You must be Hannah? (Idk I made up a random name) I asked.

"Yes, nice to meet you!" I shook her hand and went to find Sub. He was in his room finishing setting everything up. Ron's family was going to stay in his room and Sub was going to sleep on the couch.

We went back downstairs. We both quickly stopped. Ron and Elijah were sitting on the couch. Both of them looked like they were about to cry. Sub and I quietly made our way to the kitchen, trying not to interrupt.

Elijah's POV

"Look, I-I'm really really sorry for s-shutting you out. You didn't deserve that. I feel terrible." Ron cried. I hugged him tightly.

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