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Denis's POV

A doctor came out into the waiting room.

"You may see Elijah now-" He started. Before he could even finish his sentence I shot up and ran to his room. The lights were dimmed and the room was almost completely silent. He was pale and the heart monitor...

Was beeping.

He was alive! I ran up to the bed crying. I place Frank next to him. His eyes slightly opened at the touch. He looked at me and smiled weakly.

"Denis," Elijah mumbled.
"Y-yes?" I stuttered, more tears falling from my face.

"I-i'm sorry. For everything I did." Elijah looked away. Did he remember everything?

"I-it's ok! I'm s-sorry too. This is m-my fault," I replied. We kept going back and forth apologizing. Elijah would jerk his arms or legs.

We kept going until Sub came in. He went and reached for the light. Elijah made a random sound to get his attention. Sub jumped in shock.

"S-sorry." Elijah said. Sub walked over to us. " Light hurt," Elijah explained, closing his eyes. The doctor came in and walked over to us.

"He's paralysis seemed to have gotten better! With therapy, he might be able to use his legs again. He's also been showing some symptoms of epilepsy. We'll give you medications for that. If he does end up having a seizure, please notify a doctor immediately. I would also recommend you look into mental therapy." The doctor told us. Elijah turned to him.

"Woof?" Elijah said.

"A service dog could work." The doctor laughed.

"Woof!" Elijah cheered.


It's been about 4 months. We went back to the US. Elijah has learned to walk again and now has a service dog. She's a german shepherd named Rosie. We got her a flower-covered harness that says SERVICE DOG on the side. She sticks by Elijah 24/7. His mental health has gotten a bit better too. His first seizure was stressful. We were able to get through it though and he's gotten better.

Now we are all sitting outside decorating eggs for Easter. Alex was inside getting everyone drinks, Sub, Elijah, and I were all sitting around a table dying the eggs. Elijah picked up his egg and went to carefully put it into the dye.

His arm suddenly jerked and the egg fell, cracking on the table. He sighed and I helped him clean it up. I helped him put another egg in the dye and we waited.

Sub and Elijah went to play fetch with Rosie while Alex and I sat at the table drinking our lemonade. We heard a ding. I turned off the timer and called Sub and Elijah over to finish decorating the eggs.

The eggs all had our corresponding color of course. I drew a cat on mine, Alex's had a cool design, and Sub's pretty boring. He just drew a bunch of flowers. Elijah's epilepsy started acting up a bit. Rosie noticed and put her front paws on his lap. He started petting her and kept making dog sounds every now and then.

We finally finished and put the eggs in a basket with other decorations. We all marveled at our work.

I could tell that things were going to get better.

585 words

awww we're back to wholesome

also, paralyze can't just magically get better. It was for plot sake u-u

also sorry for scaring everyone with the last chapter

(EDIT: I changed the chapter (see AN #1) I also found that epilepsy can cause muscle twitching so some of the things I changed are a bit similar)

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