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3rd POV

It was 3 am. Everyone including the dog was asleep. After the interesting dinner they had, everyone almost immediately went to bed.

Ethan's POV ;)

I was walking around Elijah, Sub, Alex, and Denis's house. I was watching over them almost always. I missed them a lot. I decided to check on all of them before going to bed myself. Ghosts need sleep too ya know.

I first checked on Denis. His room was in the basement. I'd say he got kinda lucky. Despite the fact that it gets cold faster, his room was pretty big. I kinda forgive Denis for what he did to Elijah. I understood why he was upset but the pain he caused Elijah I probably won't forgive him for.

Next, I check on Sub. He was sprawled out on his bed, the bed sheets about to fall off. I chuckled. I stayed by Sub and Elijah most of the time after I died. Sub was so caring that he risked being kicked out and losing his friends just to make sure Elijah didn't lose it in the mental hospital.

I went across the hall to Alex's room. After Denis threw Elijah out, Alex changed a lot. He cared for Elijah more and has been trying his best to make sure Elijah's ok. I've decided that I'm going to watch over him as well to protect him in thanks.

Then I went downstairs to Elijah's room. It was still childishly decorated. The glowing stars, stuffed animals, and games. The others asked if he wanted to change it, but he said he wanted to keep it this way. Rosie was sitting on his bed next to Elijah's feet. I was glad that Elijah chose to live. He still has so much to do in life. I guess it also made me upset. I finally got to see him again after 6 years. Something I thought was never going to happen. I hate seeing him in pain, but he is still living and I hope he lives for a long time.

I was giving the choice to be able to speak to him. I chose not to. If I did it would give other ghosts the ability to speak to him as well. Some might not have such good intentions. Just as I was about to leave, I heard a whimper. 

I turned around thinking Rosie was having a nightmare, but instead it was Elijah. 

He was having another seizure. I ran over to the bed. He was shaking and twitching. It looked like he was in pain. 

Rosie quickly got up and checked on him. She then jumped down and went through a doggy door they installed. I followed her. She ran up to Sub's room, went through the doggy door to his room, and tried to wake him up. She was trained to get one of the others if Elijah was having a seizure.

I went back down through the floor to check on Elijah. He was crying. I went over to him. I wanted to touch him, give him a hug, rub his back, or do something. But I knew if I touched him it might make it worse. I just sat on the bed and timed the seizure. 

I was there when the others were being taught how to take care of Elijah. Even though I couldn't do some of the things, I felt at ease knowing that I could help in some way.

Soon the door swung open and Sub came running up to the bed. He moved a bunch of things and checked Elijah's breathing.

The seizure stopped after 5 minutes. If it had gone on for any longer it could've been worse. Elijah was now awake and petting Rosie. Sub was asking if Elijah was ok. Sub left to get water and I went over to a notepad. 

I picked up a pencil while Elijah wasn't looking and wrote: 3 am 5 minutes. The notepad was used to track all of Elijah's seizures. Luckily he's only had 4, including the two from today.

Sub came back with water and looked at the notepad. He seemed confused by the notes I wrote down. He shook his head and turned back to Elijah.

Everyone went back to bed. I waited a few minutes before leaving.

"I love you, Elijah."

717 words

yay! Ethan's pov :D

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