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I'm so sorry ;v;

Sub’s POV

 I ran into the kitchen and shoved Denis.

“Hey! Sub what was that for?!” He yelled.

“For showing Elijah that recording!” I shouted. Denis stared at me in shock.

“Did he tell you?” Denis asked. I shook my head. “Liar.” Denis stood up and pushed past me.

“Denis? Denis!?” I called as he stomped upstairs. I ran after him. I got upstairs and saw my door wide open. Then. A yell.

“Denis please stop! You’re hurting me! Stop please!” I ran into the room. Elijah was sitting on the pullout couch, squeaking his eyes closed crying, while Denis was digging his nails into Elijah’s scars.

“Admit you told Sub you little-”

“Denis!” I screamed pushing him away from Elijah. He stumbled backwards a little. “Elijah did nothing wrong!” Denis stared at me.

“Nothing wrong? Nothing wrong?! Did you forget that he tried to kill Alex?! Not to mention he also kidnapped and tortured an innocent man!” Elijah’s eyes widened.

“I-innocent,” He stood up and faced Denis. “You call a man who killed my brother innocent!” Elijah roared. Denis was silent. No one spoke or moved. Until Denis suddenly picked up Elijah and started walking towards the door.

“Denis what are you doing?!” I yelled, chasing after him. Elijah was kicking and yelling for Denis to put him down.

“Innocent or not he still tortured someone and tried killing Alex…” Denis opened the front door.

“I’m not having an insane person in my house.” He shoved Elijah out of the door. Elijah slammed into the concrete face first causing him to curl up and grab his head. He had blood dripping down his forehead. But most of all,

we all heard a faint beeping sound.

291 words
sorry for the short chapter

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