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Alex’s POV
|| Warning || Curse word :p|| Not this POV the next

The sun shined through the curtains and blinded me. I threw my blanket over my head and groaned. I slowly sat up and made my way to the dresser to get something to wear.


“Hey Alex!” Sub yelled from the living room. I walked into the room and saw Sub and Denis watching the news.

“Where’s the gremlin?” Denis asked.

“How should I know? I just woke up,” I mumbled. Denis turned back to the TV. A commercial for McDonalds came on making my stomach hurt. “What’s for breakfast?”

“McDonalds!” Sub called, jumping up from the couch and grabbing Denis’s wrist.

“Uh- Alex could you wake up Elijah and ask him what he wants for breakfast?” Denis said while Sub was trying to pull him out the door.

“Get me an egg mcmuffin!” I yelled before making my way upstairs.

I found Elijah’s room and lightly knocked on the door to make sure he wasn’t changing. I heard no reply so I opened the door. Elijah was sprawled out on his bed, the sheets falling off and his hair was a mess. I let out a chuckle and walked over to him.

“Elijah?” I asked, shaking him a little. He groaned and wearily looked up at me. I smiled and said, “Sub and Denis went to get Mcdonalds, you want anything?”

“Do they even know where the McDonalds is?” Elijah rubbed his eyes.

“Oh, right. They might be a while. What do you want for lunch?” I laughed.

“Nuggies,” Elijah mumbled before burying his head in his pillow. I sighed and went to leave. Before I closed the door, Rudy slipped through the crack into Elijah’s room. I left the door open slightly so she could leave. I heard a faint, “Rudy!” before going downstairs.


I was sitting on the couch watching whatever was on, when I heard Elijah coming down the stairs.

“You need better channels,” I joked, switching to the news again. Elijah laughed.

“Uhm. I’ll be in the shed. D-don’t go in there,” Elijah stuttered. I nodded and didn’t think much of it.


“Uuuugh! Where are they?! I’m starving!” I complained, turning off the TV. It was 11:00 and the guys left at 9:50. They’ve been gone for over an hour. How long does it take to find a McDonalds?!

I got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen. I’m sure Elijah won’t might if I had a snack. Speaking over Elijah, I think I should check on him. With all that’s going on right now I probably shouldn’t leave him alone.

I opened the back door and went over to where the shed was. The pool was open and it was nice out. Maybe I’ll ask him if he wants to go swimming. I was a few feet away from the shed when I heard a muffled yell. Panic immediately made me think Elijah did something to myself. I ran over to the shed, but heard someone….laughing? It sounded like Elijah. I slowly placed my hand on the handle and tried to quietly open the shed door.

‘Oh my god…’


Sub’s POV

Denis and I have been looking for a McDonalds for about an hour now. We’re both starving and I’m sure Alex and Elijah are too. We keep looking up where it is, but most of them are closed since it’s Sunday. We didn’t really think this through. Denis was on his phone trying to find an open McDonalds while I was driving.

“Holy shit…” Denis whispered.

“Denis!” I yelled, lightly hitting his arm. We pulled up to a red light so I turned to see what Denis was freaked out about. His eyes were wide and he was covering his mouth with his hand.

“Denis? What happened?” I asked.

“Elijah kidnapped someone….”

647 words
prepare for spam peoples
Also this story is probably going to be short idk

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