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Elijah's POV...

"Now, since you understand the situation your brother is in, why don't we get to business."

"Uhm. I'll be in the shed. D-don't go in there,"

"I'm sorry. You'll be ok! I promise! I'll avenge you...' BANG!"

"Get dressed. I'll be waiting outside."

"H-hey Ethan. I'm sorry I couldn't save you...."

"Breaking news! A man was found tied up in a shed after being tortured by 20-year-old Elijah Best. Witnesses say...."

"I'm not having an insane person in my house."

"F*ck no. I never want to see or hear you again. Got it?"

I took a deep breath...

And jumped.

I laid on the pavement. Denis's mom pushed me over and I fell down the steps, onto the ground, and slammed my head. There was yelling from the kitchen. It sounded like Sub and another person. Ms. Kotopun was yelling at me too.

"You stay away from my son!"


I couldn't move. I just laid on the ground, soaking wet and cold. I felt something drip down from my forehead. Blood. Why can't I move? Is the rest of my body paralyzed now? No, I can still feel pain. I heard footsteps run up to me. I saw Sub come up to me. Denis was yelling at his mom. This is my fault. I ruined Denis's relationship with his family. Sub lifted my head to look at my wound. He was saying something, but all I could hear was a ringing. This is like before. When I jumped. After I hit the ground, people crowded around me. They all were yelling and asking questions, but I couldn't hear anything or move. All I felt was pain. Both physically and mentally.

Now it was happening again. Only this time it wasn't off a building. I wish it was though. I saw blue and red flashing lights. The colors making me filled with fear. Was I going away again? Did I do something? From what I remember, after I got out of the hospital I behaved. I did everything right. Why was I being punished again? This isn't fair! I immediately took back that statement. I deserved this.

Two medics ran up to me and put me on a stretcher. I still couldn't move and I could barely hear. But before I put into the ambulance, I heard Denis's mom yell.

"It's either your friends or your family! Pick one!"

I hope Denis picks his family. I don't deserve a friend like him. Even though he was part of the reason I tried to kill myself, he tried to make it up to me even though I had no memory of what he did. He could've just left and not cared, but he stayed and took care of me.

Before the ambulance door shut something was placed next to me. The moose stuffed animal. I looked up thinking it was Sub, but instead...

It was Denis.

467 words

screw logic

Technically someone who lost their memory from brain damage can't regain them but it's for plot sake so shush

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