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Denis's POV

I laid Elijah back on the floor. I went over to the crate door and tried to open it.

After many attempts of kicking and pushing, I gave up. I couldn't hear the others. I turned back to Elijah, who has curled up again. I lightly touched his arm and he flinched. He turned back towards me, crying more than before.

"I know this is a stupid question to ask, but are you ok?" I asked. He shook his head. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him to stop the bleeding. He smiled and tried to sit up. He quickly fell back down. I grabbed his head so it wouldn't hit the floor. We don't need any more head injuries. He tried again, grabbing and holding onto me. He hugged me and cried again. I rubbed his back.

"It's ok. We'll get out of this, I promise." I said. I tried to sound strong when in reality I was just as scared as Elijah was. Elijah pointed to his feet. His ankles had deep cuts preventing him from using his feet. He buried his head into my chest and cried again.

After a while, his grip loosened. I looked down to make sure he was ok. He had either fallen asleep or passed out. I held onto him. I needed the hug.

Alex's POV (Before the crate closed)

Denis climbed up into the crate and threw the keys down to me. I picked them up and heard footsteps running through the warehouse.

Sub came running up to me breathing heavily.

"Sub? What happened?" I asked.

"People....here...." He mumbled. His eyes suddenly widened. I turned back up at the crate. Andrew was standing on the ladder. He pushed the door shut. Sub managed to scream "Denis!" before the door shut completely.

"I'll be taking those." A girl came up behind me and snatched the keys. I tried getting them back, but she threw them to Andrew. He locked the crate and came back down to the floor. Rosie growled at the two.

"Tsk. You guys are annoying." Andrew mumbled. He threw the keys back to the girl. "Emma, go hide these. Jack and Gen clearly aren't good guards." Andrew rolled his eyes and the girl ran off.

"What do you want from us, Andrew?!" I called.

"You? Oh, I don't want anything from you. I just want Elijah. Now if you all could leave that would be great." Andrew smirked and pointed to the large doors.

"What do you want from Elijah?!" I yelled.

"We originally wanted money for Ethan, but that changed when he kidnapped Micheal. Ya know it was fun. Watching Elijah tear himself apart." Andrew slowly paced back and forth in front of us.

"W-what do you mean 'we'?" Sub stuttered. Andrew turned to us with a huge smile on his face.

"Let's just say, I have an experience with guns," Andrew's smile grew wider. I stood there in shock. Did Andrew kill Ethan?! Why?! They were friends!

Sub's POV

"You monster!" I yelled. Andrew laughed.

"We just want Elijah for revenge. He got my friend sent to jail for 10 years! His kids ask me to help them. Jack and Gen are very upset with Elijah." I couldn't move. I felt tears in my eyes. How could he do this?!

I didn't think, I just lunged at him throwing punches. I hit his stomach and he stumbled back a bit. I went to kick him but he pulled something out of his pocket.

He ran at me with it. I felt a sharp pain on my neck. I quickly threw my hands to my neck. There was blood dripping down it. I saw what he had in his hand.

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