The Doc

185 2 7

-I keep seeing this black-haired man everywhere I go

-He keeps taking pictures of me and Elijah I'm thinking of going to the police tomorrow

-the police said they don't have enough evidence to file a case. Great

-I was able to get a picture of him at Wendy's yesterday [Image.jpg]

-How is he following me everywhere?!

-I went to the grocery store and while I left he followed me out. I'm in my car, about to call the police


I started crying again. The man in the picture. I've seen so much but never thought much of it. I leaned back to the chair, wiping my eyes. I then noticed something else. A colored line appeared below the last entry. It slowly typed,


I nervously put my hand on the mouse and clicked below the message.

Hello? Who are you? What did you do with my brother?

Well hello, Elijah. I haven't done anything to your brother, yet. He's perfectly safe.

Let him go! What did we do!?

I'm afraid I can't do that, however, we can make a deal. We can meet at Bell Park at 12:00 pm sharp tonight. You bring anyone with you, I'll have my partner kill your brother. Alright?


The colored line disappeared.


"Pasta!" Sub yelled. 

"No-no-no. Take out would be better." Alex said.

"Chinese?" Denis asked. It was 7:00 and everyone was in the kitchen trying to decide what we were going to eat for dinner.

"Oooo sure!" Sub smiled and picked up his phone to find a Chinese place. We all ordered and waited for the food to arrive.

45 minutes later, the doorbell rang and I went to the door. The delivery man handed me the food and I gave him a $20 tip. I brought the food back and everyone had already set up the table.

After we ate, we went door stairs. Denis and Alex were playing pool, Sub was on the phone with Flebsy, and I was making a tweet.

Sorry for no vid yesterday. Me, @BandiRue, @SubZeroExtabyte @Craftedrl & @DenisDailyYT are all taking a small break. Before you all start spamming me yes we are all hanging out together. We'll try to record some of it for you guys

I pressed post and heard a buzz from Sub's phone. He turned to me and gave me a quick thumbs-up before going back to his call.

"Ha! I win!" Denis yelled. Sub spun around.

"Shhhh! You all are so loud!" He whispered. Denis blushed in embarrassment and Alex and I laughed.


It was 11:00, everyone was asleep and I was trying to close the front door as quietly as possible. The park wasn't too far from my house, but since I was walking there it was better to leave early. I didn't bring much with me. My phone, house keys, and a pocket knife. Just in case.                          

I did as I was asked and didn't tell anyone what was happening. I couldn't risk it. For all I know this could be a trap. If I had to trade myself for Ethan I would gladly take the offer. I want him to be safe.

I eventually reached the park and walked around a little. It was 11:40 so I didn't expect him to be here yet. I was wrong. There he stood, on a hill next to a large tree. He seemed to be on his phone. I walked over to him. He put his phone away and smiled.

"Aha! I wasn't expecting you to actually show up," The man chuckled. He took out his phone again and showed it to me. He was on a video call with his 'partner' who, as he said, had a gun pointed at Ethan's head. Ethan didn't seem to have that many injuries. A few scratches and cuts, but nothing too serious that I could see. The man pulled the phone away and put it in his pocket.

"Now, since you understand the situation your brother is in, why don't we get to business." The man's words began to fade. I could see his mouth moving, but all I could hear was a loud ringing. And in a matter of seconds...

He was unconscious on the ground.

709 words

hehe Eli going sicko mode

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