Not so bad after all

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Denis' POV

"What the! This game is rigged!" I yelled, throwing my controller on the ground. I heard a small giggle from next to me. Elijah, Sub, and I were in Elijah's room playing Mario Kart. Elijah was sitting on the beanbag, I was on the floor, and Sub was at the edge of the bed. I kept falling off the edge.

There were only the 3 of us in the game. We tried to play with the computers, but it stressed Elijah out too much so we turned them off.

Alex left to go shopping. Sub was supposed to go with him, but they don't trust me being alone with Elijah. I don't blame them. Elijah's current state is partially my fault. Alex also is going to leave for London tomorrow. He's going to visit family for Christmas. Which is a bit of a problem. He's the only one that knows how to properly take care of Elijah. While Sub and I set up the house and whatnot, Alex was at the hospital learning what medicines Elijah needs and when he takes, what to do in certain situations, and things like that. Alex is freaking out a bit. He doesn't trust and, with how much we need to do and remember, I'm worried too. I made an agreement with Sub to do most of the work. He has to watch me, but I'm the one that has to do everything. Before Alex left for the store, he left a detailed list of the things we need to do for the next week. We're supposed to be looking that over right now. But instead, I'm losing in Mario Kart.

"Yay!" Elijah yelled. He started shaking his hands a lot. I looked over at his part of the screen and saw that he came in 1st. While I did that, Sub hit me with a red shell and passed me. I groaned and continued playing.

We played a few more rounds until we all got bored. Elijah wanted to play another game. As Sub was getting out a game, he got a phone call. He picked it up and motioned for me to get the game. I stood up and ruffled Elijah's hair on the way to the drawers. I pulled open a drawer to find more than enough games. There was Monopoly, Uno, Go Fish, 2 stacks of cards, Sushi Go (I love this game so much), Apples to Apples, Jenga, Pictionary, and Cards Against Humanity. I was shocked by the number of games in only one drawer. There's four. Alex told us he bought a 'few' games since Elijah would be spending most of his time at home. I opened another drawer and it was filled with discs for Wii. I opened the drawer next to it and it had more in-person games. Most of them required memory. Something Elijah isn't too good with. He asked what day it was 5 times in the past hour.

I chose Jenga and pulled the box out. I walked over to Elijah and he helped me set the game up. Elijah had his kangaroo stuffed animal with him. He was playing with it and accidentally hit the tail against the tower. I brushed it off and set the game up again. It fell 2 more times. One was me and the other was just balance. I sighed and clenched my fist.

"How about we go play this at the table? The tower won't stay up on the carpet," I explained to Elijah. He nodded and helped me put the bricks in the box. I brought the box into the other room and placed it on the dining room table. Then I went back into Elijah's room, helped him into his wheelchair, and he wheeled himself into the dining room.

I was in the middle of setting up the tower when Sub ran in. He seemed worried.

"Alex is gonna be home in 15 minutes!" He called.

"And?" I said.

"He can play with us!" Elijah piped in. I nodded and turned back to Sub. He shook his head and held up a few pieces of paper.

"We were supposed to read this," Sub mumbled. The anxiety hit me like a truck.

"Uhm, Elijah, can you set up the tower for me? You put the bricks like this." I showed him how to properly set up the game and went over to Sub. We quickly started reading the pages.

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