Chapter 22

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Song for the chapter: Wait and see by Fireboy DML

"One chance, one opportunity,
E no get as the matter wan be.
Nobody can be like me.
So many sacrifices."

Happy New Year's Eve❤️


I stifled a yawn and squinted my eyes closer to my phone to check what the time is but the first thing that greeted my eyes were the missed calls I had from Mide and Shalewa.

Monday mornings are always the worst. The urge to remain on my bed and remain lazy all day and the overdose of caffeine from the previous night decided to take a toll on me.

Rays of sunlight filtered through my window blinds and I rolled my eyes when I remembered the stress I'd gone through just to get those blinds from Chisom.

I slowly got up from my bed and headed straight to the bathroom. I glanced in the mirror and rubbed the residues of sleep in my eyes as I walked to the shower and turned it on.

The hot water on my skin did a good job at calming my nerves. I rested my hand on the tiles and prayed silently that I don't encounter either Shalewa or Mide today.

I placed all my attention on lathering my body with my honey shampoo and after spending what seemed like ten hours, I was finally out of the shower. I rushed downstairs to have breakfast after I was done dressing up but I was met with the greatest shock when no one was at the table waiting for me.

"Ify!" I yelled as I dropped my bag on the table. "Bring my breakfast."

I sat down on one of the chairs and sent a quick text to my parents asking why they left so early. I dropped my phone on the table and gasped at the food in front of me.

"What is this supposed to be Ify?" I gasped and she scratched her hair nervously.

"Your breakfast aunty."

"This is Akpu and egusi oh!" I shook my head. "Ify!"

I grabbed my bag and got up from the chair. "You know what, I don't have the time for this." I hissed and walked out of the house.

The drive to the office was so tiring. I didn't even know if it was that way because I was already angry from the Ify drama or from the traffic.

"Madam move your car! Do you think this is your father's playground?!" A bus driver shouted behind me jolting me out of my thoughts and that was when I remembered that my car air conditioning being bad could actually be the reason I was so tired.

Trust Lagos drivers to add to your stress. Which one is 'do you think this is your father's playground?' Why would my old father even have a playground? I shook my head as I parked my car in my reserved spot.

"Good morning madam!" John the security guard greeted and I smiled and waved in reply.

I walked into the elevator and that was when I met Temisan the number one company gossip.

"Muna the hot chick!" He hailed and I rolled my eyes.

"Temisan the chicken."

"When is the wedding girl?!"

"Wedding? Temisan please my mother does enough grilling at home don't add to it. If you want to eat firewood Jollof rice go to the restaurant downstairs." I hissed as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ears.

"Calm down tigress." He raised his hands in defense. "But just so you know no man would drop flowers that beautiful if he wasn't on to something." He clapped his hands dramatically. "But who would have thought that Muna would get married before me?"

Flowers? I decided to play along because I could not have Temisan thinking and taking it upon himself to investigate on who all my secret admirers were.

"Of course you would know that. I forgot you worked at the flower shop." The elevator finally came to a stop and I came out.

"Nice one Munachi! Don't forget to send my special asoebi when the time is right oh. Bills on you!"

"As usual." I hissed.

I moved briskly to my office and that was when I saw a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on my table. I resisted the urge to bawl my eyes out. My morning had not been looking good so far and this just managed to make it feel better.

I picked up the note besides it and it read.

"Roses are red, Violets are blue
I like you Muna, I really do."

My face morphed into a frown when my phone rang and I saw that it was Mide calling. And for the first time since five days I picked up his call. He had been sending flowers to my house and I'd given strict instructions to Mohammed to reject them or throw them away and now He sent flowers to my office giving room for people like Temisan to meddle in my affairs.

"First of all before you get angry..I just want you to know that I had no choice."

I sighed into the phone. "Thank you for the flowers."

"Wow! Didn't expect to hear that but I'm glad you liked them."

I was going to say something along the lines of 'I said thank you not thank you I liked the flowers.' But I just let the man believe whatever.

"So let me get straight to it since I know you're not interested in communicating with me." He coughed. "Can we talk?"


"I promise not to disturb you after this date."

"I wouldn't exactly call it a date." Now it was my turn to cough.

What was really my problem? Hearing how sad He sounded just put me on the edge and I had to control myself not to sound bitchy to the poor guy. He wasn't even doing anything wrong. His sister was the mastermind of the whole problem and she got me stuck in this mess.

"Okay where and when?" I asked all I got was silence. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah just checking if I was speaking to the right person." He laughed and I rolled my eyes and bit my lips to prevent a full blown smile. "I'll come pick you up. Saturday night."

"That's fine." I played with the lilies on my table and made a mental note to place them in a jar as soon as soon as possible.

"Okay then I'll call you later."

"You mean you'll call me on Saturday." I rolled my eyes and I could imagine Him hitting His head in mock disbelief.

"Oh my bad! Saturday it is." He laughed and ended the call.


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