Chapter 6

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Song for the chapter: All for you by Joeboy.

"Cos I'm all for you,
Make you no fear,
Don't you bother."

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I drove into my house tiredly, massaging my shoulders since they were starting to hurt from so much work.

"Effiong please wash this car very early tomorrow morning." I ordered the gateman as I carried the bag containing my files from the backseat and another bag containing some snacks that I got from KFC. "Effiong!" I yelled when I noticed that He did not answer me the first time.

"Yes ma!" He answered in a sleepy voice and I shook my head in pity.

"Effiong did you even hear what I said? And why on earth are you sleeping? Have you not eaten this evening?" I asked angrily as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Madam I have eaten but I will still eat the shawarma." He replied immediately with a big grin on his face, all signs of sleep gone.

Whenever you want to interview the laziest gateman in Ikoyi, Just give me a phone call and I'll send Effiong to You. His love for food, sleep and enjoyment was as big as His hate for work.

"What did I tell you to do in the first place or do I look like I'm joking with you?"

"Sorry Madam, I didn't hear You."

"Wash this car very early in the morning and just so you know, there's no shawarma for you this night." I made a move to walk away since I was already tired of mincing words with Effiong but he started making sobbing noises.

"Sorry aunty. I promise to listen to you all the time. The thing is that I was very tired so I had to sleep." He begged and I scoffed, throwing his own share of the snacks I got at him and I walked away ignoring His praises and the weird car parked in the compound.

"Hello mummy I'm ho-" before I could complete my statement, my mum clamped my mouth shut with her hands and I shot her a confused look as she dragged me to the kitchen.

"Munie we have a visitor!" She smiled at me and I stared at her.


"What do you mean by that? Look at this child!"

"But mummy you didn't tell me who the visit-"

"Mechionu(Shutup)! So you cannot greet?" She frowned.

"I'm sorry mama. Good evening ma." I knelt down in greeting, trying with all my power to not roll my eyes.

"Good girl! My heart, My everything, My ray of sunshine." She praised and tickled me until I burst out in laughter. "Chike's Mum is here to see us." She winked and all the laughter drained out of my face.

"Who is us?"

"Both of us! In fact let's not keep her waiting. I just dragged you in here to tell you to be on your best behavior. I know how snobbish you can act sometimes." She said and she walked out.

I stomped my feet on the ground repeatedly in annoyance. Chike's Mum, Mrs Obiageli Nwosu is a very rich woman in her early fifties. She is very proud and well spoken as well, that if as an outsider, you settle down to listen to her, you'll wish you were a member of her rich family. If there is one thing I am not a fan of, it was showing off and Mrs Nwosu was the best at it.

I moved to the living room with a fake smile plastered on my face. If not that the stairs were close to the living room, I'd have gone straight to my bedroom.

"Good evening Ma." I greeted, half kneeling down.

"Nwanyioma (beautiful woman)! See how beautiful she is." She said to my mother who had a proud smile on her face. "How are you doing today?" She asked and I could decipher a tint of accent in it.

'Maybe this woman just got back from one her numerous vacations.' I said to myself.

"I'm doing very well Ma. You look stunning as usual." I complimented and I swear I saw her head grow bigger.

"Thanks a lot my dear. You know I just got back from Bali. I wanted to go to the Bahamas but I've been there a lot." She bragged, her words spoken with dripping elegance and I managed to not burst out in laughter.

"Oh my friend you're really living the life." My mother grinned widely.

Now just wait and see, it's just a matter of time and my mother would start preparing for her own trip to Bali.

"I'll be upstairs in my room." I said quietly as I turned around.

"Oh my dear, Chike asked me to invite you over for our next family dinner." She said, flashing a wink at my mother.

"Chike?" I asked.

"Oh really? That's so nice of him." My mother gushed out excitedly at the same time she rolled her eyes at me.

What was so nice about Chike inviting me for dinner? Sorry, Chike's mom inviting me for dinner because the Chike I know, doesn't even care about anything except business.

"And the best of the best caterers will be there to offer their best services. Darlings you can't afford to miss out."

"Sorry ma, can I ask a question?"

"Of course, pretty lady."

"I thought it was a family dinner so-" I began but My mother shot me a warning glare and I put on a fake smile for Mrs Nwosu. "We're honored to be invited and we'll not miss it." I turned to my mum. "I'll be upstairs. I've had a stressful day."

I climbed the stairs hurriedly and when I finally made into my room I threw my things on the floor. Mrs Nwosu and her incessant drama. Family dinners were supposed to be something really intimate but her's just had to be different. I bet that so called dinner was going to look like a ball.

My phone! I rushed to the extension box to plug it in since it had been down since and when it was plugged in properly, I walked into my bathroom to take a warm bath. When I was done, I wore my super short shorts and a tank top.

Thank God I had a fridge in my room with good junk in it because I wasn't ready to face 'Madam Bali' and My Mum again. I grabbed the burger, chicken and chips that I had gotten for myself and I dug in immediately.


Nwanyioma- An igbo word which is a form of endearment used for a beautiful woman.

Mechionu- Shut up.

Who has a family friend just like Mrs Nwosu? 😂
Our Nigerian parents and forcing us to greet visitors that we do not like🤝

Hello my lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please keep the votes coming, I appreciate every one of you. See you all on my next update. I remain your girl,


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