Chapter 28

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Song for the chapter: Flora my flower by Davido.

"If nothing lasts forever
Then me and you will be nothing forever."


I pulled out my phone once the board members left the conference room and a series of texts appeared as I turned it on. There was one from Muna asking to meet up when I get off work and I quickly sent a reply. A call came in from Shalewa and I squinted my eyes in confusion when I saw the text messages that she had left me.

"Are you okay?" I spoke quickly into the phone.

"I would be once we talk." She cried into the phone and I stared at my phone in confusion.

What's up with everybody and wanting to talk today. First it was the board members calling an emergency meeting just to talk, then Muna and now Shalewa is crying on the phone because she wants to talk to me about something.

"Are you in some sort of trouble?" I sighed.

"Look, Mide can you just come home. I don't want to say it over the phone."

"Shalewa I have somewhere I need to be right now. Can we postpone whatever this is to the evening?" I checked my wristwatch and bit my lips when I realised I had to be at the restaurant in ten minutes to meet Muna.

"I am family and I come first. Nothing is more important than what I have to say to you."

I sighed heavily. "Okay fine, I'm on my way."

I called Muna's number immediately. "Hi babe I need to go home."

I expected a reply but all I got was silence. "Are you there?"

"Yeah." She coughed. "Is anything wrong at home?"

"Family emergency." I wanted to say but I realised that it wouldn't be fair to keep her in the dark like that. "Shalewa was crying on the phone and she sounded very sad so I have to go check up on her. I'll come to you as soon as I'm done there."

"Let me go with you."

"What? Are you sure? I wouldn't want to bother you."

"I'm outside your office."

I quickly grabbed my bag and walked to the elevator. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

"Can't I pay my man a visit again?"

My cheeks flamed up instantly and I bit my tongue to stop myself from smiling too hard. I quickened my pace as soon as I got out of the elevator and there she was, leaning on my car as she sipped on a cup of milkshake.

"Mumachimso Obiora aka my wife to be!" I laughed as I opened the door for her to get into the car.

"Mide the playboy." She smirked and I shook my head in amusement. "So we need to talk." She coughed and I removed my AirPods.

"Can't it wait until I at least start the car and get moving." I smiled.

"Mide I'm sorry." I started the car and focused my gaze on the road. "You're not paying attention to me." She whined.

"Muna I don't want to get us killed." I sighed. "Or are you about to end the relationship that we're trying to build. That could get me killed."

"I'm not joking Mide." She played with her fingers as she spoke. "I lied to you and I'm sorry." I turned to look at her face briefly before my eyes returned to the road. "About the girl you saw at the party, that wasn't me and Shalewa only played an innocent prank on you which now has turned into a full blown issue." She rambled on about how she wanted to tell me the entire story but Shalewa wanted to come clean herself.

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