Chapter 15

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Song for the chapter: Like I do by Fireboy.

"Your love is true,
Baby you'll always be there for me.
No one can love you,
Like I do."

PS To every single one of you that keep voting and commenting, no one can love you like I do😭😂❤️

Please I just dropped the blurb of my new story, FRIENDS (That's the cover above.) and I would love it if you could just check it out, vote and drop a comment. You can find it on my profile. Thank you so much❤️


"Can you imagine My Chike, My Nwá mbu(First Son) has been nominated for the list of young rising billionaires in the world?!" Mrs Nwosu exclaimed and I forced out a small smile.

"Wow that's really nice. He earned it because he works really hard." I replied still maintaining that smile on my face.

"He sure does." She smirked.

I scratched the back of my ear with my car key. I was already losing my patience. Thank God we were not out in the sun talking. For starters, that wouldn't even happen in the first place. This is Mrs Nwosu we are talking about. The Mrs Nwosu! We were currently seated in her air-conditioned Range Rover sports car.

I was not surprised when one of her bodyguards informed me that she wanted to speak with me because I had already seen the little commotion that She and her entourage had caused outside the supermarket with the flashy cars that they came with.

"You know how my family is with always making history so this was much expected from my darling son, Chike."

"Congratulations again Ma." I simply commented.

Only God knows why this woman would call me into her car to inform me of what she was sure that I had already seen on the blogs. She gave me a one over before she cleared her throat and resumed her bragging.

Like what exactly was I supposed to reply her with. Did she expect me me to bow and worship her feet because Her son was nominated for one list? I resisted the urge to hiss since She was not the one to be blamed. It is that big headed Ijeoma that told me to go buy Icecream that I am going to spank when I get back to Shalewa's place.

A small frown made its way to my face when I remembered yesterday's incident at Sisi's party. The party was going just fine until Siju and His clown girlfriend showed up at our table. Well I don't know How the whole saga started because I went out to answer my Dad's phone call which as usual didn't exceed his Pleadings for me to come back home.

According to what I heard from Ijeoma, Siju went to our table to apologize to Shalewa and while he was at it, His girlfriend had tried to attack Her all the name of trying to steal her man when she was the one who stole somebody's man in the first place.

The whole drama turned out to be really embarrassing because Siju's girlfriend who we later found out to be Aliya, slapped Him right in front of everybody. Now that was the part of the drama that I was able to watch live. Thank God for Sisi's bouncers that kicked both of them out of the party before a fight could break out.

The part now that was really disturbing was why She slapped him like that. Like the whole thing was annoying but it didn't warrant a slap at all more so in front of a whole crowd like that. When we finally got home yesterday Shalewa had burst out in tears shocking me and Ijeoma but even after we tried to talk to her, all she did was lock herself up in her room. So this afternoon, Ijeoma had suggested to get her ice cream and other nice things to cheer her up.

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