I Cant Lose You - TianShan

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He Tian feels his eyes water, the puppy he loved so much as a child was in front of him, sick and dying. "Brother.." he whispers, "please help me one more time."

He feels himself break when his puppy licks a small tear, her tail slowly wagging. "Please..."

He Cheng stares at his brother, quietly sobbing at the dogs side, "what do you need." He asks.

He Tian shuts his eyes, takes a breath, "more time."

"You know I can't do that, Tian."

He Tian winces, tears continuing to fall, "please.."


"I'll.. I'll see what I can do." He Cheng says, cigarette hanging lazily from the side of his mouth. "Get yourself together."

"..thank you..." He whispers, slowly opening his eyes when the door shuts behind his brother.

He Tian (11:45)
- I'm coming over. -

Mo Guan Shan (11:46)
- No. -

"I told you not to come, asshole." Guan Shan mutters, his arms crossed as he glares at the ravenette.

"I had to see you."

"We just saw each other."

"Just let me stay-" He Tian begs, "please."

Guan Shan sighs, "fine. But don't try anything weird."

He Tian smiles softly, he quickly closes the door behind him and hugs the redhead, earning a small yelp. "Thank you."

"You- you bastard..! This is something weird!" Guan Shan complains, yet makes no attempt to push the other off. In fact, he relaxes into the others embrace, his arms soon coming around the other.

"What's wrong?" He finds himself whispering. His eyes widening as he wonders if the other heard him.

He Tian only nuzzles his head closer, inhaling the others scent. "Nothing.. I just-" he sighs, "I found her.."

Guan Shan stays quiet for a while, "your old dog?" He asks, remembering that time he held He Tians hands as he brokenly told him about his dog and brother.

He hums quietly when he feels the other nod. "How- Where-?"

He Tian laughs, "I don't- I don't know" - "she's sick."


He Tian holds the other tighter, each breath comes out as a chocked sob, trying desperately to not breakdown.

Guan Shan, on the other hand, quickly realizes He Tians state, he closes his eyes and runs his hands gently through the others soft black hair.

"It's okay." He whispers, remembering what his mother used to do when he woke up crying over his father. "It's going to be okay." He gently kisses the others forehead, then buried his head at the crook of the others neck.

He Tians quiet sobs fill the room, as Guan Shan whispers sweet nothings and reassuring words. He Tian is holding onto him, his hands balled into right fists gripping the redheads shirt.

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