Drama Queen - Tianshan

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One Day
- Based off the new chapter -

"Why aren't you eating? Are you not hungry?"

He Tian looks up from his seat, staring blankly at the other.

"I'm in pain all over." - "and I think my left hand is broken. How can I eat?"

"Broken??" - "why.. why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

He Tian clicks his tongue.

"I wanted to see your reaction when you finally noticed."

Guan Shan frowns when he hears He Tian sigh.

"Whatever. I'm going to the room." He mutters, stumbling a little when he gets up.

Guan Shan stares at the other, soon feeling himself stand to follow the ravenette.

Once the door closed, giving them privacy, He Tian let himself fall onto the small bed.

"Ah.. fuck!" He hissed.

"Hey bastard, stop being so dramatic."

"Little mo, I'm so hurt, how could you say that?"

Guan Shan rolls his eyes.

"Well how are you gonna eat?" - "am I supposed to feed you?"


Guan Shan stares at the other, his eyes wide, blush slowly starting to creep in on his cheeks.


"But momo, I'm so hurt! I'll starve!"

"So starve, I don't care."

He Tian frowns, "you're so cruel."

Guan Shan feels his heart clench at the sight of He Tian being so.. hurt.


He clicks his tongue.

"Fine. But just this once."

He Tian smiles widely, opening his mouth so the other could feed him.

"You're so kind to me , mo~"

"Shut it, or I'll drop the soup on you."

He Tian only chuckles, ignoring the stinging pain at his side.

"I can't wait for us to get married, so you can feed all the time~"

"Fuck off" Guan Shan mutters, his face red at how domestic the looked.

Fucking hell.


"Fuck! What is that loud shit?!"

He Tian turns towards the windows, trying to see what ruined his moment with his redhead.

Guan Shan sees him turn towards the window.

"I'll.. I'll go check."  - "WHAT THE HELL?? A HELICOPTER! FUCKIN' AWESOME!"

He Tian frowns , already knowing this was the doing of his brother.

"Brother, I'm fine, really, make it go away."


A/N - can we get an Amen for the newest chapter? ✊😔


Artist -   @Oldxian  - on Weibo

19 Days one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora