You're safe now - tianshan

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The doors are closing

Guan Shan ran faster.

-Fuck! Almost there-




Guan Shan barely made it as he jumped into the ravenettes arms, faintly hearing the doors close.

His breath harsh, he wrapped his arms tightly around the other, soon feeling a strong arm lean against his neck and another on onto his back.

The hand on his back drew soothing circles.

If he hadn't been paying attention, he wouldn't have heard the faint whisper.

"You're safe now, little mo." A pause "You're safe."

The warm breath against his neck sent shivers down his spin as he unconsciously hugged the taller boy harder.

He closed his eyes, his breath finally evening out.

"Thank you..." he breaths out.

He was safe, in his arms.


Cover art - @oldxian  -  on Weibo

Thanks to 11037_Chidoruka for reminding me to put credit.

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