Mine/Yours - TianShan

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Smut(ish) Warning

One Day

He Tian feels his head buzz lightly, the alcohol slowly draining out of his system. He lazily looks at his side, he frowns when he notices that Guan Shan is no longer by his side

"He's with Jian Yi, he dragged the redhead to go dancing with him." Zhan Zheng Xi says, glassy eyes gazing into his half empty drink.

He Tian stares at him for a few seconds, before making his way into the crowd. He looks around carefully, ignoring the women trying to grab onto him.

"Come~" they would giggle. He Tian only smiled at them, "maybe next time, I'm looking for someone."

He Tian sighs, growing worried when he doesn't automatically find his little redhead.


He Tian turns quickly to where the scream came from, his blood turning cold when he sees Guan Shan presses up against a wall. Some bastard was grabbing him, holding his hips.

"Heyy, let's not get too fiesty, little red~"the old bastard whispered into Guan Shans ear. Guan Shan tilts his head away, using the chance to kick the guy in the fucking shins.

"Don't fucking touch me." Guan Shan barks, dusting off his clothes. He yelps when his arm is suddenly grabbed.

"He Tian- what are you-"

"Come with me"

"H-hey!" Guan Shan complains, but follows He Tian towards the restrooms "what the hell is your problem?!"

He Tian slams him against the restroom wall, "Do you just let anyone touch you?" He growls. Jealousy growing over him.

"Fuck you.!"

He Tian glares, his grip tightens, "oh I'll fuck you alright."

"What-" Guan Shan body stills when He Tian slammed his lips against his, He Tians tongue licking over his lower lip, asking for entrance.

Guan Shan groans, his hands seek purchase onto the jet black hair.

"He Tian- we can't-" He hisses between kisses. He Tian ignores his pleads, however, he roughly palms Guan Shans growing erection.

"No one is here." He Tian says.

"Thats- that's not the point..!" - "it's dirty here!" Guan Shan groans , he's in no mood to fuck in a dirty stall.

He Tian stops his advances, gently nibbling on the others neck, "my apartment then?"


He Tian was already dragging Guan Shan before he was able to answer, swiftly going through the crowds and finally getting to He Tians overly expensive car.

He Tian  quickly starts the engine with a soft purr, groaning when the redhead boldly palms the tent in his pants.

"Fuck." He whispers, cursing the long ride home ahead.


In what felt like hours, between traffic and Guan Shans teasing touches, they were finally home.

Only in a matter of seconds, Guan Shan was naked on the bed mewling He Tians name between moans and rough thrusts.

"Mo.." He Tian whispers, his lips a breath away from the others. Guan Shan kisses him again, longing for the others touch.

"Mo.." He Tian repeats,

"Who do you belong to?" He Tian whispers harshly. Guan Shan pants, He Tians hand snakes its way to hold Guan Shans throat, "who do you belong to, Mo Guan Shan.?" He repeats.

"Fuck..." He moans, "I- I belong to you, He Tian."

He Tian smirks, his thrusts losing rhythm as he bites into the redheads shoulder.

"..ah! Fuck..!"

"Close.." He Tian grunts, his fingers digging into Guan Shans hips.

Soon enough, He Tian cums, his breath is heavy as he lazily takes off the condom and falls next to the other.

Guan Shan is in a dazed state, satisfying sex still lingering in the air.

"He Tian." He says, his cheeks flush in a delicious red, "you- You belong to me too."

He Tian feels himself smile impossibly wide, he tightly hold the other against him.

"I've always been yours, Mo." He whispers.

A/N: This story is for anime-bitch93 so sorry it took so long! Thanks again for the request!!!
Artist Credit - @Captainhowell - On Tumblr

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