Clingy - zhanyi

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One day

Jian yi was back.

After four miserable years, Jian yi was back.

And zhan Zheng xi couldn't be more angry.

No, he wasn't mad about the fact that Jian yi was back.

He was mad that Jian yi didn't even bother to explain why he left.

Not a single word.

No goodbye.

He left.

So the day when Jian yi randomly showed up at his door step, he couldn't help the punch that took over him.


That was two months ago.

They weren't on the greatest terms as he had felt abandoned in a way.

"It's not my fucking problem, why don't you talk to the asshole yourself." Guan shan mumbles as he chews on his sandwich.

"I wouldn't know what to say." Zhan Zheng xi answers dryly.

Guan Shan hums in response.

"How... how did you forgive he tian when he left you..?"

Guan Shan chokes on his sandwich.


Zhan Zheng xi stares blankly at the redhead.

"Please, I know you guys are together." He looks away towards the low volumed t.v. "It's pretty obvious."

Guan Shan huffs a breath.

"That bastard is too damn fucking clingy." Guan shan pauses. "It was almost impossible not to forgive him after... after all the apologies he did."

Zhan Zheng xi nodded a silent response.

Then his phone buzzed in his pocket.

Jian yi
Xixi! How about we go to the park today?
I heard there's a small show playing live!

Zhan Zheng xi

Jian yi

Zhan Zheng xi clicked his tongue, catching the redheads attention.

"Uh. I gotta go. Jian yi."

"Alright, see you later."

And with that, he left.


The park wasn't very far from guan shans home. So it only took him about three to four minutes to get there.

Once he did, he saw Jian yi swinging on the swing set, staring up at the sky.

He looked like a kid.

A kid..

They had been kids before Jian yi disappeared.

They even planned a fucking band.

How silly.

Then he left.

No goodbye, no notice.

He just... left.

Zhan Zheng xi would never admit how broken he felt knowing Jian yi had gone missing.

He would never admit how much he cried when he saw the "missing" poster with his best friends face on it.

He would never admit, how much he had loved that boy back then.

Zhan Zheng xi shook those thoughts away and stepped closer to the blonde.

When he had appeared at his door, he had blood all over him.

He looked... rougher.

His innocence gone, yet, he still had that carefree a attitude.


He heard Jian yi call as he sprinted towards him, arms wide open, smile as bright as ever

Before he knew it, Jian yi was in the air.

Time slowed down as Zhan Zheng xi knew what this was.

Back then, Jian yi jumped on him a lot.

He never caught him.

He was never prepared.


Today he was.

He quickly took a few steps forward and positioned himself, arms flown forward.

He missed.

Jian yi landed close to his chest and as they both came tumbling down a small hill.

Once they had finally stopped moving, Jian yi was pinned to the ground with Zhan Zheng xi on top of him.

'What kind of weird ass position is this...'  Zhan Zheng xi thought to himself.

That's when Jian yi started giggling childishly.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

Jian yi didn't answer as his giggles became loud chucking.

"Hey, idiot, why are you laughing.." he once again asked.

Jian yi stopped chuckling and shined a happy smile towards the person on top of him.

Then Jian yi gained enough strength to grab Zhan Zheng xi's waist, pulling him down onto the other.

Once the two were flush against each other, Jian yi hugged the other impossibly closer.

"I missed you." Jian yi mutters as he wraps his arms tighter around the other.

Zhan Zheng xi quietly lays on top of the other, trying to ignore his racing heart.

"I missed you too."

Cover Art By— @pierrot-et-columbine —On Tumblr

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