Wont You Teach Me - TianShan

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"S-Stop! Idiot!" Guan Shan yelled, his legs kicking whatever he could reach. "Fuckin' stop!"

"Calm down, brother mo. This will only take a second~"


He managed to kick the ravenetts mid thigh, causing the other to lose balance. He closes his eyes, body braced for impact.

"Ah- fuck..!" He Tian hisses, his knees collapsed on the unforgiving hardwood floor.

Guan Shan uses the time he has to punch the other, his fists quickly colliding with the soft skin.

"Fuck! Let me go!" He continues to violently shake, trying anything to get away from the tight grasp on his arms. "You-!"

He quickly tenses, his body coming to a stop once he seeing the darkened eyes.

"You're not welcome to just hit someone in return..."

He Tian quickly gets up, throwing the redhead over his shoulder, ignoring the hits coming at his back.

"Fuck! Stop! He Tian I'm serious!!"

He Tian ignores the shouting, grabbing the other from the back as he sits them down in the tub; The warm water soaking their clothes.

"Fuck you! I'll do the washing! I'll- I'll wash myself!" He shrieks, panicked.

"Don't move."

Guan Shan freezes as he feels his neck being grabbed, "I promised to help Brother Mo wash his back, so..." his hand tightens as he reaches to lift up the others shirt " I'll be starting now."

Guan Shan starts feeling his heart race, this same feeling, he scared.

This roughness, She Li was like this, he grabbed his throat when he disobeyed.

He can't- he can't think.


"S-stop" he whispers, his voice shaking with fear. Tears streaming down his eyes as his body shakes uncontrollably.

"What?" He Tian asks, not being able to hear the first whisper.

"I said stop!"

He Tian stills, his hands retrieving from the other automatically. "Hey.. you can't actually be-"

Guan Shan turns around, his eyes bloodshot as tears keep streaming down his tired eyes.

"You idiot! I told you to fucking stop-!" He punches the others chest and face, "I told you- I told you to stop but- you wouldn't!"- "I fucking hate you!"

He Tian let's the redhead hit him, his nose soon starts bleeding as the punches soon became weaker. Guan Shan sank down, his shoulders slump as he continued to sob.


"Can't- cant you see that I'm struggling?" Guan Shan pulls his hair in frustration, his tears continuing to fall. "Is this how you get what you want? With- with force?"

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