Your Idiot - TianShan

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One Day

It's around three in the morning when Mo Guan Shan wakes up, his alarm quietly echoing through the large and empty apartment.

He sighs.

Turning to his side, he sees the sleeping ravenette. He's sleeping on the other side of the bed while his hair covers the majority of his closed eyes. He looks.. peaceful.

Mo Guan Shan shakes his head, quickly getting up to get ready for work. He plans on going home after to quickly shower then get to class.

Before he steps away, however, he sees the messy sheets, he decides to fold them neatly as a way to thank the other for the hospitality.

Once at the door, he unconsciously turns to the kitchen. Fuck, that bastard would get hungry if he doesn't eat breakfast.

He doesn't hesitate to make a quick meal, covering it in aluminum foil so the heat won't disappear so soon. He looks around the apartment for paper and a pen to write a note for the other.

Once he does, he writes...

Fuck you. I made breakfast. You just need to heat it up again. Do NOT put the foil in the microwave, you'll burn down this shit-hole.

Right when he thinks about signing it, something caught his eye at the corner of the room. Something he knew to well.

I'm also taking my jacket back.

Mo Guan Shan nods to himself, content with the work he did before quickly rushing to his workplace.


Work was tiring as usual, he's surprised he's still awake. He's currently sitting in his chair, for the first time he's early to class. He finds himself unconsciously doodling a sleeping He Tian on spare paper.

"Wha~ Redhead! You're surprisingly early?!" Jian Yi shouts, Zhan Zheng Xi quietly trailing behind him.

Mo Guan Shans frown deepens when Jian Yi throws a script at his face and sings, "it's the script for our sketch! Let's rehearse it during lunch break!"

"I'm very busy and not interested in participating in your stupid shenanigans."

Jian Yi gasps dramatically, quickly passing whatever he was previously chewing on to Zhan Zheng Xi, who quietly grabbed it.

"You fool!" Jian Yi screeches as he roughly grabs the redheads jacket, causing the other to lose balance. "Don't you know of the extra points we can get if we win the performance at the end of the term?!"

"H-Hey!" Mo Guan Shan yells, his legs pushing down to catch any sort of balance. Luckily, he manages to steady himself, costing him to accidentally kick his table.

The table rocks back and forth before dropping down its contents, including a mysterious black box with a golden heart, his name written in the middle.

"Oho~ who is it from~" Jian Yi smirks, his eyebrows wiggling stupidly while Zhan Zheng Xi chews on the others lunch.

"How the fuck should I know..." Mo Guan Shan hisses, quickly snatching the box away before the hyper blonde could get it.

He quickly gets up, hiding the box between his jacket as he pushes the others out of the way, "fuck! Get off me!"

"Redhead!! Don't go~!"


Mo Guan Shan finds himself in some sort of locker room, he looks around to make sure no one was near. He hums to himself when everything looked clear.

He hesitantly opens the box, confusion spreading onto his face when he sees a key and a stupid drawing from none other than the devil himself.

He grabs the key, quietly mumbling its contents, "Student Council 02"

He studies the room before he finds the locker he was assigned. Fuck. It's not just a prank to scare me, right...?

Slowly, he puts the key in, twisting it and lightly flinches when he hears a small click.

The locker allows itself to open and Mo Guan Shans eyes widen to see the most beautiful red guitar hes seen in his life. Neatly polished with his last name written in white at the bottom.

His mouths opens slightly as he catches a small white paper at the corner of his eye. He grabs it.

He feels his face heat up, the white paper was a picture of him sleeping and He Tian smiling behind him. A note under read, * do what you love. I support you. *

Mo Guan Shan feels his hands drop, his heart beating faster than his liking. He whispers, "idiot..."


He doesn't know what came over him when he slammed the locker closed and ran out of that room, out of school. He doesn't hear the teachers yelling at him to come back.

His breath quickens as he sprints towards He Tians place, he ignores the pain at his legs, begging for him to slow down.

When he arrives at the apartment, he loudly bangs on the door, "He Tian! I know you're in there!"

He sighs frustrated, his hands lifting to punch the door. However he stood midway when the door slowly opens.

"Little Mo? What- what are you-" 

He Tian isn't able to finish his sentence before a fast fist collides with his cheek.

"Fuck..!" He hisses, "what was that for?!"

Mo Guan Shan lifts his hand again, hitting the other wherever he could reach, "you're such a fucking idiot! You know that?! You fucking-"

He Tian manages to get a hold of the other fists, he ignores his lightly bleeding nose.

"Mo- how- why-" he shakes his head, "why are you here?"

Mo Guan Shan only glares at him before his grip weakens, He Tian carefully let's his hands go as they drop back down to the others side.

"You're an idiot." He says.

He Tian huffs in disbelief, lightly pulling the redhead in and closing his door.

Mo Guan Shan lets himself be pulled inside, his eyes cast down.

"Mo." He Tian starts, "why- why did you come here?"


He Tian softly sighs, his hands reaching up to cup the others face, "Mo, why did you come here" he whispers.

Mo Guan Shan hesitantly lifts his eyes, his face quickly heating up when he meets the beautiful grey eyes.

"The guitar." He mumbles.

He Tian only stares at him before a soft smile spreads across his face, "do you like it?"

"I don't- I don't know how to play."

"I'll teach you."

"You don't you how to play."

"I guess we could learn together?"

Mo Guan Shan lowers his eyes once more before slowly nodding, He Tian chuckles quietly as he pulls the other into a hug.

"You'll be the death of me, little Mo." He hums as he nuzzles his head against the redhead. "I like you so much, you know that, right?"

"You're crazy."

He Tian feels himself smile, his heart beat syncing with the other. "How about we skip school and watch a movie?"

Mo Guan Shan scoffs, "you're an idiot."

"I know, I'm your idiot~"


A/N: Just needed some fluff after the last chapter 😌


Artist: @Oldxian on Weibo

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