Baby, Don't Cry - TianShan

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"He Tian... help me pierce my ear, right here."

He Tians exhausted eyes widen momentarily, his mind rushing to understand what the hell was going on in that redheads brain.

Guan Shan seemed to notice, his eyes quickly shifting between their intertwined fingers to the others tired face, "I just-" he clears his throat, mentally cringing at how raspy his voice came out, "I just wanted to have something that signifies us."

"Us?" He Tian repeats.

Guan Shan nods, "When She Li pierced my ears, he did it against me will. He wanted to show he owned me"

"Don't talk about him, please-"

"He Tian." - "I want this, please- please give it to me." He pleads, noticing the faint blush on the ravenettes cheeks as he processes the others request.

What felt like forever, He Tian finally nods in agreement, his heart tugs at the small smile on the redheads lips.

"Alright then," Guan Shan says, "let's eat, you said you got porridge?"

"Yeah, I went to the place across the street."

"You should've woken me up, I could've made something. You shouldn't waste your money on useless things."

He Tian smiles softly, his hand reaches up to ruffles the short, soft red hair.


They eat in silence, He Tian takes note that Guan Shan hums in approval when he's eating other peoples food. He Tian picks at his plate, glancing at the redhead every ten or so seconds.

"What?" Guan Shan says, catching his grey eyes.


Guan Shan rolls his eyes, "you keep looking at me"

He Tian smiles, Guan Shan ignores the heat pooling in his stomach when he sees He Tians eyes sparkle in amusement.

"You're just a lot more interesting than the food."

Guan Shan abruptly gets up as he mumbles to himself about how He Tians a stupid pervert.

The ravenette smiles to himself, that was until he heard a small crash in the kitchen.

"Mo?" He calls out, worry sitting on his features.

"I-I'm fine..!" Guan Shan stutters.

He Tian finds the poor redhead on the kitchen floor, broken plates lay scattered around him as he's holding his stomach tightly, his eyes shut as he tried to regain his vision from the sudden dizziness.

"Hey..." He Tian says, he kneels next the other, his trembling hands seek out to hold the redhead, his heart clenching when he flinches away, "come on, let's get you cleaned up."

Guan Shan opens his eyes, "I'm fine-"

"Guan Shan" He Tian interrupts him, "let me help you- please.."

"I just-" he takes a shaky breath, "I just want to rest a little more.. I think- I think we should sleep."

"You want to sleep? You just woke up though..."

"You didn't sleep at all last night, did you?"

"What does-"

"When was the last time you actually had a good nights rest, you look like hell."

He Tian huffs a laugh, "you're one to talk." He feels a sudden rush at relief when Guan Shan let's out a little chuckle then winces at the pain at his side.

He Tians smile quickly fades into worry, he steps closer to the other and cups his face gently. "Are you okay? Should I get you some pain killers?"

Guan Shan doesn't say anything, his hands gently placed on top of He Tians, he finds himself wanting to kiss the other. Slowly, he inches closer to his lips, his eyes fluttering closed.

He Tians eyes widen, he turns his head and clears his throat.

"You...You should take a shower first so I can examine your wounds better, then we'll sleep, yeah?" He Tian says as he pulls away. As much as he's always wanted to kiss the redhead, it didn't feel right to do it right now. Not when he's all hurt.

Guan Shan slowly lowers his arms, "right," he says, "I'll- I'll be right back then."

He Tian helps Guan Shan get up, holding him near his waist, Guan Shan nags at him that he can do it himself. He Tian hesitantly agrees, letting the redhead go as he watches him slowly make his way to the bathroom.

"Call me if you need anything." He Tian calls out, Guan Shan only looks at him for a brief second and continues on his way.

Once He Tian hears the soft click of the bathroom door, he lets himself fall on the hard floor, his hands tremble as he sobs.

"I'm sorry" he repeats to himself, he feels worthless for not being able to protect the one he loved.

He doesn't realize how long he'd been crying until he hears the shower head turn off, he quickly rubs his bloodshot eyes as he stands.

"He Tian.." Guan Shan mumbles, he doesn't like how He Tian tries to hide his sadness. Carefully, he comes closer to the ravenette and hugs him.

He Tian carefully wraps his arms around the other, his head resting on his shoulder as he breaths him in.

Guan Shan pulls away first, gently placing his lips over the ravenetts.

He Tian freezes, his grey eyes widen and heart races as he realizes that Guan Shan is kissing him.

Before he can reciprocate the kiss, Guan Shan is already grabbing his arm and pulling him up.

"Let's go to bed, please"

He Tian frowns and Guan Shan gently pulls him into bed with him, "just for a while" he whispers, burying his face into the ravenettes chest.

He Tian feels his heart speed up, trying desperately to make sure he doesn't get any...reaction down there.

Guan Shan hums, "it's fine, He Tian."

"It's really not-"

Guan Shan sighs as he nuzzles his head on the others chest, his hands hugging around the tense ravenette, "I don't mind, I just- I just want to forget about everything right now."

He Tian huffs, "careful now, you keep on with this and I'll believe you like me."

"You wish."


It takes a while before He Tian can fall asleep, he's too busy listening to Guan Shans soft breaths as he rests his head on top of his chest. Too busy calming his heart from bursting out of his chest because, fuck, even when Guan Shan is all fucked up, he's still so fucking beautiful. He's too busy fighting off the urge to sleep because he can't miss a moment like this. Yet, he welcomes it with open arms, his eyes shut as his breath perfectly syncs with the other, their arms around eachother and legs intertwined. It was perfect.

Later, Guan Shan would wake up, slowly lifting his head to stare at the sleeping ravenette. He finds himself noticing little details he's never seen, like how He Tian had faint freckles over his nose, a little mole here and there and a small scar on the side of his neck.

He sighs, ignoring the stinging pain of his injuries, and silencing the little voice in his head that screamed at him to get the fuck away.

For that moment he felt as if life was this easy, all of his problems left behind as he hold the other tighter and falls asleep once more.

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