It's Always Been You - TianShan

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"I love you." Guan Shan cries, his hands desperately clutching onto He Tians white shirt, "I love you."

He Tian doesn't look at him, instead he pulls his shirt out of the redheads grip. He's crying too.

"I need to- I can't stay, Mo Guan Shan."

Guan Shan let's out an embarrassingly loud sob, he launches himself at the latter and forces him to look at his own bloodshot eyes.

"If you leave", he hisses, "if you leave, I won't ever forgive you. I'll... I'll hate you for the rest of my life."

Guan Shan watches the tears fall out of He Tians eyes as he's pushed away. He can feel his heart shattering when He Tian opens the door and says his final goodbye.

He sits on the cold hardwood floor, his body trembles as he lets out an ear screeching sob. He curses at himself for not understanding his feelings earlier, because maybe- maybe if he had realized it, He Tian wouldn't have left.

Guan Shan cries for the rest of the night, how had he not realized he loved him.

It had always been He Tian.

A/N: im back with the angst >:) I wanted to try something new since I'm always doing happy endings but idk, should I do a part 2 with a happy ending?
Artist credit - @esteftag - on Instagram

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