Chapter 14:

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I decided to leave a day before my parents showed up to clean the place up a bit. Calum had given me my phone back, after cleaning it out of my Liam pictures and setting some restriction on his number and Zayn's. I felt like a child

"You sure you don't want me to come?" Calum questioned as I unbuckled my seatbelt and stared blankly at the empty house. My empty house.

"No, I'll be fine," I assured and took a deep breath before heading out of the car. Calum watched me walk up to the house and grab the key under the potted plant, slowly twisting it in the lock. He began to back out seeing me have the door open and I crept in. I turned to wave at him and he nodded his heading driving down the street. Shutting the door behind me was the hardest. I felt trapped.

It was dark and had an eerie feeling to it. The air felt suffocating in a way, but I pushed myself on. I flicked on the living room and hallway lights and memories snapped in my mind like a flash on a camera. Blinking them away, I stepped carefully over the broken glass to the bathroom. Unsurprisingly, the mirror was shattered in the middle and all I could see was a broken reflection of me. What will I tell them what happened, better yet what am I gonna tell them about Liam? I bent down quickly and whipped open the cabinets, pulling out some cleaning supplies.

Someone had to get that blood up.

On the way there, I stepped briefly into the kitchen to grab the broom and dust pan and was reminded of all the bottles he drank. Glass first. There's no point of getting punctured by getting blood first.


I placed dust pan to the floor and swept in the company of only the sound of glass clinking together. I went up and down the hallway and sighed at the huge holes in the wall. I guess I could get some pictures or something? I mentally wrote that down along with a tarp for the mirror in the bathroom and continued on cleaning.

The air felt suffocating like pillows pushing against my mouth, but nothing was there.

The blood.

Starting from the front door, I began scrubbing. There was so much, now that I was looking at it. They were little droplets,but were everywhere and dried up. This whole mess seemed like a blur post night of. It feels like this didn't even happen, like some random tornado came through and slaughtered the place. The bristles quietly scrapped the floor and the movement was interrupted by my phone vibrating with a call. I pulled it out to see the caller ID and smirked to myself.


"Hello?" I said wedging the phone between my shoulder and cheek, resuming work.

"Hey, long time no hear, girl," She answered.

"I know! How have you been, Faith?"

"Niall has my back snapped in half, carrying these kids," She exclaimed and I heard angry murmuring in the background of the call and I wasn't surprised. Niall was that blonde guy from the party she was with and they seemed to "fall in love" that night by sleeping together. He never really asked her out face to face or through text or anything really, they just kinda mutually agreed that they were a thing. The only thing was that well-

Faith and Niall were awful for each other.

And they both know it.

Faith and I have had the longest conversations of why she's still there and she answers the same thing each time.

" Well, what can you do about it? I'm shit, he's shit,"

Now she's pregnant with twins and they're barely even close to being engaged, but that's Faith for you. Always jumping into things too quick. Niall is a garbage man for some of the neighborhoods around here including mine and Faith works as a cellphone help line. Both with unstable jobs and twins on the way.

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