Chapter 5:

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Alexa's POV:

Around 5:00, I texted Calum to come pick me up and headed outside to wait. I dug my free hand in my light jacket pocket and dialed Liam's number with my free hand.

After 4 rings, he picked up.

"Hey, babe, you alright?" He asked his accent was especially thick and I could tell he was having a good time right now. There was a lot of talking and music was playing loud and unidentifiable.

"Yeah I'm fine I was gonna ask you if you wanted to rent a movie or something tonight,"

"Oh baby, I'm sorry, I'm at that new club with Zayn, it's wild here, can we reschedule?"

My heart sank lightly.

"Yeah sure! I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you too."


Disappointed, I shoved my phone back into my jacket and shivered waiting for Calum. I didn't really mind him going out or anything just I was a little glum I wasn't with him. Was I even fun for him anymore? Calum eventually pulled up and I desperately hopped in, turning up the heat immediately.

"Well jeez," Calum said watching me place my hands in front of the air vent.

"What took you so long?" I asked, blowing heat into my shivering hands.

"I was over at Luke and Ashton's."

Ashton was a friend of Luke's and roomed with a guy named Michael on a different side of campus. They were this quadruple crew that were always ready to party and some days I'd joined them. Other days I'd be out with Liam...

"Are you going back?"

"Yeah, I was planning, you need something?"

"No, can I come with you? Liam's out with some friends."

"He has friends? you sure he'll "approve"?"

"I'm pretty sure he's drunk, he sounded really happy,"

"That's rare,"

I pushed Calum's arm away making him chuckle. We drove to their house talking about old college memories and crazy parties we've been through. Times like this with Calum makes me remember how much I missed seeing him around.

Pulling up, we clicked off our seat belts and rang the bell to the decent sized house.The door was swung open and there stood Luke. His light blue eyes were surprised at seeing me and he pulled his long arms around me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked and I pushed my cheek agains his chest, hugging him back.

" It's illegal to see my pals now?" I laughed and walked past him. Ashton's brown curly hair was barley shown over their large black couch and I walked over poking the top of his head. He ignored me playing some racing game and I kept repeatedly tapping, annoyingly.

"Calum, quit it!" He snapped turning around. He dropped his scowl and gave me a smile.

"Alexa! What are you doing here?" Ashton asked patting the seat beside him.

"Liam's out with some friends, so why not hang out with mine?" I took a seat on the couch the immediate smell of pizza and old pennies rose up.

"Oh you tell him, but not me?" Luke asked sitting on the recliner across from us.

"No one likes you Luke," Ashton teased laughing and Luke gave us a pouty frown.

"I know whose missing! Michael! Where's Michael?" I asked facing Ashton.

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