Chapter 9:

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DOUBLE UPDATE?!? *gasp* Yes! I wouldn't leave you guys like that! Love you!
(Warning: I'm gonna be switching POV's )


Quiet was the ride away from my house. My home. My soulmate. I didn't know where Calum was taking me and I didn't want him to tell me. I just wanted to watch the lights and wait. Everything ached. My head ached, my body, my heart ached- no yearned. It yearned for him. His eyes, his lips, his touch. His everything. I should be gone. I should be thanking Calum for saving my ass from him. There was no telling what Liam would have done had he not been there. He was just angry, you know? Frustrated.

Calum pulled into Ashton's and Luke's driveway behind some old 2007 green Corolla. Holding Liam's hoodie tighter to my body, I walked over to Calum and he gently placed his arm around my neck, leading me up the sidewalk. I winced at his touch. Not out of pain, it was foreign to me. Calum isn't as muscular as Liam. He didn't have that extra muscle I fed off of in a sense. I was bare.

He rung the door bell holding his finger there for a few seconds before letting go. Ashton answered laughing about something before his entire face dropped.

"Alexa?" He whispered looking at me from head to toe. I probably looked like a wreck. The blood, the smack, my clothes. Calum pulled me silently past him through the living room. Michael had come home and was sitting on the couch across from Luke when he saw me.

"Alexa-- what the hell?"

We stepped into the bathroom and Calum locked the door behind us. He patted on the toilet lid and I sat down, while he ran a washcloth under the water. I could hear muffled talking from outside. Their voices weren't muffled from the door , they were from my thoughts. I couldn't keep my mind off Liam. Him waking up to all that. And for some note to be there instead of me. I couldn't really choke it all down. November 1st. He was gone.

Calum wrung out the water in the washcloth and gently pressed it to the dried up blood scattered on my legs. I whimpered at the stinging, and he quietly hushed me. After the red was gone, I could see so many little cuts from the glass radiating my black skin.

"That should do it," Calum whispered quietly and stood up to his feet. He held his large hand out and took me into one of the extra rooms upstairs. It was small with a large queen sized bed in the middle of the floor pushed against the wall.

"If you need anything, just call, yeah?" He assured and I nodded crawling under the covers. He closed the door behind himself and I could hear his footsteps go back down the stairs.

"I want Liam," I whispered into nothing.

Calum's POV:

I dreaded walking down the steps, knowing what would be ahead of me. As soon as I got to the bottom of the steps the boys began bombarding me with questions.

"What the hell happened?" Luke demanded to the point of yelling and shushed him, jabbing my thumb upstairs.

" Why the fuck was she covered in blood?" Ashton whispered shouted and Michael paced the floor with his hands clenched in his dyed hair.

"Oh fuck guys, I never should have left, this is what happens man," He mumbled to himself.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up!" I yelled, quietly trying to get a train of thought going, between Michael's pacing and Luke and Ashton's yelling, I could barley form a thought. The boys listened intently as I explained every single detail. His grip on her, the blood, the glass. Thinking about it just- just pissed me off. I told her. I told her he'd snap and she just went ahead with him. I knew I couldn't trust that fucking- fucking, I can't even think of a curse word fit for him. The moment he opened that door and I looked him straight in the eye. Something was off about him.

"Get that fucker in jail! We're not gonna sit around and let that dick go free!" Michael insisted, standing up and they both agreed.

"We made a deal, she leaves him, I don't turn him in,"

The Ashton and Luke plopped back onto the couch while Michael ran his fingers through his hair.

"Fuck, I can't believe it," Luke sighed.

"What's worse is we can't do shit," Ashton added.

"I'm going to bed, I can't stay up like this," Michael announced and we all agreed to. There's no point of freaking out all night about it.

"Guys, be careful around her, this is traumatizing for her, you know?" Ashton said before going into his room on the bottom floor.

"Yeah we got it," Luke rolled his eyes going into the room beside him while Michael climbed the steps to the upstairs. I guess I got couch. I was tempted to go join Alexa in my old room, but decided against it. I pulled my shirt over my head and wrestled my pants off my legs. I couldn't push it anymore with her, she probably already hated me for making me leave him, but it was best.

Selfish it may be, but I'm not gonna watch that again.

Especially with her.

Alexa's POV:

A quiet knock came to the window, waking me up. I gathered the blanket in my fist before walking over slowly and opening it. A dark figure was outlined on the outside and was brought to the light.

"Liam!" I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him tight. I didn't care about Calum or the rule or anything, I just needed him. He had his hands on my waist and pushed his forehead against mine.

"I thought I lost you, Alexa."

"Liam- I would never."

" Let's get out of here," He whispered, grabbing my hands in his.

"Liam I can't."

"Can't? Why?"

"Cause Calum-"

Before I could finish, he pushed me against the hardwood floor and shrieked at me.


Liam, keep your voice down," I begged and his hand slapped me across the cheek, harder this time.


My eyes shot open and I was swimming in a pool of my own sweat. I sat up, bringing my knees to my chest and rocking myself back and forth.

Liam's POV:

The glare of the sun shines through the window shinning right into my eye and my head throbbed, horribly. What the hell happened. I noticed Alexa wasn't in the bed with me and that set an alarm off in my head.I rolled out of bed and scratched the back of my head, heading to kitchen to get some Advil for my random throbbing headache. Walking into the hallway, I saw a huge array of broken glass and droplets of red everywhere on the floor.

Was that blood?

My hand flew up to my mouth as I feverishly ran around the house calling Alexa's name. Is that a hole? Sure enough, a huge gap in the wall and I ran my fingers over it. Who the hell did this?

A sharp pain flew through my stomach, I bent doubled over in pain. I gotta get to the kitchen. I used the overturned couch as a stabling measure and guided my self into the kitchen for some medicine. I reached into the cabinets, my fingers gliding the cylinders when the pain came back, and I dragged the different bottles of pills down with me to the ground. I groaned on my knees as I snatched the Advil off the floor and dry swallowed the pills.

I need to figure what happened and better yet where Alexa was. Waiting for my stomach to get better, I limped back to my room and was about to crawl into bed before I noticed a yellow piece of paper flittering from the fan on the nightstand. I grabbed it and immediately recognized Alexa's messy handwriting.

As I skimmed through it, my heart sank lower and lower. I looked around the room of broken glass and pictures and tears began streaming down my face.

I did this?

The pain shot through my stomach was unbearable and I fell back onto the floor. My vision became blurred as I groped for something to support me and I slowly drifted off into unconsciousness.

YEET, Yes, I did that to you guys. What happened to Liam?? Comment, Vote, and Share. <3


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