Chapter 13:

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The next day after work, out of guilt and the lecture Michael said about keeping in contact, I called my parents back.

"Hey Mom!"bI said after she picked up, making my voice an octave higher than usual. That's the thing with my parents, they'll know if there's trouble by the tone of your voice. A blessing and a curse.

"Hey, so about visiting you-"

"Yes Mom I know,"

"I know you know, Alexa, and I'm just saying! It's been so long since we've seen you and him. Would you want us hanging around you two around Christmas and Valentine's Day?"

Usually the thought would disgust me of my parents around Liam and I on a couple holiday, but the realization of him not even being here, crept in.

"No, Mom, Thanksgiving is enough," I laughed lightly rubbing the back of my neck with my sweaty palm. I kinda zoned out on her rambling until she got on the subject of Liam again.

"When is that boy gonna pop the question, Alexa?" She asked. I hadn't really thought about marriage with Liam, not that it mattered now or anything. We talked about a couple times but we kinda agreed that we should wait a little more down the road since we just moved in and all.

"Alexa?" My mom asked again and mumbled a few cuss words under her breath about phones.

"I don't know Mom, it's a little early for... that,"

"You two have done everything else in the book, I'm pretty sure him popping the question wouldn't hurt anybody."

I did a loud sigh and I could hear her chuckle through the line.

"I'm just saying honey, anyways Thanksgiving?"

Well I can't say no, but what would I say about Liam? Thanksgivings in a week and he'd still be in the hospital not like he would fake still be my boyfriend anyway.

"Yeah sure."

"Perfect, I love you,"

"Love you too, Mom tell dad I said the same,"

"I will, we'll be there the day of,"


I pressed the red end button and ran my fingers through my scalp. I need to get over the house and clean first of all and think of something to tell my parents why Liam wasn't there. Calum headed into the room and leaned against the door frame.

" What did they say?" He asked.

"Thanksgiving, they want to visit,"

"And what did you say?"


"What are you gonna say about Liam! Did you even think of that? You should have said no. "Sorry mom i can't I'm going to Liam's parents house" " No mom, we can't already made plans!" Something other than yes, Alexa!"

"We spent Last years Thanksgiving and Christmas with the Payne's, I haven't seen my parents in forever, Calum, I'll figure something out,"

"Whatever," He muttered and I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist, snuggling my head in. I heard him sigh and could almost feel a slight smile radiating off him as he pulled his arms across me.

"I will I promise," I muffled into his chest.

"Yeah yeah whatever," He chuckled putting his chin on the top of my head and I twisted back an forth.

"I still need to go to the house to clean," I sighed.

"We can go tomorrow, do you want me to go?"

"Don't you have work?"

Calum was an IT Manager at some computer cleaning place, pretty far from here. Ive been ignoring the fact that he hadn't gone in a while, trying to avoiding an argument, but nows the time. His silence answered for himself.

"Do you even work anymore, Calum?" I asked, backing up slightly to look up and him and he avoided eye contact before signing and pushing his forehead against mine.

"I quit,"

"You quit? Quit why?"

"Well, fired, but I quit first!"

"I don't even wanna hear about it Calum," I chuckled pushing my head to the his chest again. I could feel the vibrations from his laugh and everything felt so airy and light. It's been so long since us really, like this. Hugging and laughing about our silly antics. Some days I missed it.

"I'm gonna go," I said pulling away from him, slowly and rubbed my forearm, nervously. He reached out and I recoiled quickly.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concerned eyes.

"It's just Liam, I'm gonna go lay down,"

I could see the hurt, but was covered by a weak smile and a gentle nod.

"Okay, call me if you need me," He called after me as I traced up the steps, and I did an assuring, uh huh. When I got to my room, I couldn't help but think about him. What if he woke up? What if he was looking for me? I'd always fantasize him going nuts and throwing chairs looking for me and I had have to calm him down. It's weird I know but I crave power. Liam has power, I like his control over things and his brute force. What can I say?

I like a man with an iron fist.

I ended up taking a nap till around 6:00, where I was woken up by Luke knocking quietly on my bedroom door.

"Hey, Alexa, I'm heating up Chinese from last night,downstairs, you coming?" Luke asked peeking his head through the crack and comically looking both ways.n

"Yeah I'll be there in a second," I answered swinging my legs over the side and letting them dangle barely touching the floor. I was sick of Chinese food, yes, but that's all we really had. At least I'll get home cooking from Mom, soon.

I wonder what he's doing now.

Hey guys, sorry I've been a little slow on updating. Our school had homecoming this week and I got so wrapped up in that, I just had major writers block. I'll try my best to get the next one in soon!

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