Chapter 3:

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I finally decided on getting Calum two T-shirts of Pokemon and some band he liked. After shopping, Liam and I walked hand in hand to the food court.

"What do you want?" Liam asked scanning the crowded place.

"Uh, why not Diana's Pizza?" I asked pointing to the neon green sign with tacky red lettering.

"Meh, I'm feeling salady,"

"Salady?" I laughed, but he looks around so focused on finding a salad place around the mall.

"Here take a twenty, I'll be at Salad's Gold, and you go to Diana's," Liam said fishing a twenty out of his back pocket and handing it to me.

I took the money joining the long line of people and luckily his line wasn't too far. I waved my arms trying to get his attention and made a silly face when he looked at me. He raised an eyebrow laughing and returned me a dumber one.

See? Liam isn't a prude, he knows how to have fun. Liam and I continued making faces at each other until he finally got to the front of his line.

I watched as his lips moved up and down as he talked and his eyes continuing to read off the board. He was so beautiful. His mannerism, his language, just eating, sleeping, breathing beauty.

"Ma'am, it's your turn," A grumpy woman behind me snapped and I glared at her. Bitch.

"Welcome to Diana's pizza," The guy behind the counter greeted wiping off his hands with his apron.

"Hi, can I get the Cheesy Memories pizza?" I asked tapping on the glass over the food. I was quickly moved through the line and paid for my food.

I held out the paper plate my food was on and searched around for Liam. The place was packed today and there seemed to be people everywhere. That rude woman that was behind me in line slightly jabbed her shoulder into mine knocking me back a few steps.

"Suck a dick," I muttered, restraining myself from cussing her out and she seemed not to notice

"Alexa!" called Liam a distance away from me, standing over a small two person table. I made my way over there dropping my plate down against the black grated table before I sat.

"Baby, you should try some salad some days," Liam said with a slightly scrunched nose as he watched the grease from the pizza drip down my chin.

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked jokingly offended, pulling a napkin out of the silver dispenser thingy. His eyes widened and shook his head quickly.

"No! No! Of course not- I'm just saying, eating healthy is good for your body and stuff."

"Now I feel all insecure," I teased taking a purposely loud sip of my Sprite. He smiled rolling his eyes and stabbing his salad.

" Can I have a bite?" He asked after watching me for a while.

" I don't know, it's not good for your body and stuff."

He snatched my piece off my plate and took a large bite out of it. I gasped, offended making him laugh loudly. He and I cleaned up our places after being done and headed back home. As Liam turned the key and walked in, loud moaning and thudding was sounding through the house.

"What the hell?" Liam said, stomping towards Calum's room.

"Just let him go. He sounds about done," I joked grabbing onto his arm and making him crack a smile.

"Of course, you would know, " He chuckled pushing my face away with his large hand, playfully. I was gonna push his large chest back,but he grabbed my wrists pulling me towards the couch. I fought to resist him, but of course failed. I flailed my arms helplessly as he fell onto the couch back first, pulling me along with him.

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