Chapter 10:

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Calum's POV:

"Is she still in her room? " Luke asked, digging into a bag of chips. It was already 1:12 in the afternoon and Alexa hasn't left her bed, let alone talk. I came in there often to check if she was still in there and everything, and she always was. Same place. Same spot. Same blank stare at the fan above her. I asked her if she was hungry and she would just shake her head. Not even bothering to look whose asking.

" Yeah."

"She needs to eat something, when's the last time she even ate?" He asked, eyes tracing the upstairs.

"Who knows?"

" What are you gonna do Calum?" Luke asked, crunching on his chips.

"What do you mean?"

"When she gets better, she's gonna do everything she can to get to him, Calum. You gotta get something to keep them apart."

" We made a promise, Luke."

"This isn't 3rd grade anymore, you think she'll care?"

I slammed my palm against the counter and stormed out of the kitchen. Who the hell did he think he was? Alexa and I were close. Closer to each other than any of them.

Jealous. He was jealous or something.

I found myself walking upstairs, again and gently knocked on the door of her room, before creeping in. She had changed positions to her side instead of her back and had her phone in front of her face. It's like she didn't notice, I was in the room with her and I mentally sighed at what she was staring at her phone.

Alexa's POV:

He was so happy. His caramel brown eyes were crinkled and squinted up and his mouth was wide with a huge laugh. All his perfectly straight teeth were in a line the flash from the camera seemed to brighten them. Everything was perfect about this. He was perfect. I took the picture with my new camera in the park, somewhere in our second year of dating. Trying to find inspiration or something, I was about some art life back then. I remember jokingly screaming at him for getting in my shot, but I kept that picture.

A hand slowly reached in front of me and the fingers slipped my life out of my hands. I turned around fast to face the thief and Calum sat there with a weak smile.

"Hey, bird,"

"Hi," I whispered barely audible and gently reached for my phone. Calum took my extending fingers in between his and brought my hand down, still holding them. I recoiled, nervously and rubbed them. Don't touch me, I wanted to say, but couldn't.

"Let's say I keep your phone, huh?"


"Well, your a little "unstable", "

The words enraged me. Unstable? Unstable! I'm not some mental patient, Calum! I want to be alone with the one thing I can still grasp and hold at night and you want to take that from me? I sigh,annoyed, instead of saying the words my heart wrote.

"It's for your own good, don't even tell me you haven't tried to text him," Calum lectured and I shook my head, no. He tapped on my phone briefly and showed me my whole array of texts to Liam. Calum chuckled shaking his head and I flinched as he put my phone in his back pocket.

"Do you wanna talk?" He asked, gently and I laid back against my pillow. He nodded and stood up and walked out.


Calum's POV:

Alexa: Liam. I love you so much.

Alexa: Liam, did you read the note?

Alexa:Please answer, baby.

Alexa: I love you so much and I always will.

Reading through these texts were sickening. He hadn't answered her yet and I placed the phone on the counter.

"She talk?" Ashton asked coming into the kitchen. I slid the phone over to him and he shook his head, as he scrolled through.

"Why does she still love him? He's obviously a terrible guy, man," Ashton sighed. Suddenly her phone started blowing up with constant ringing and text notifications.

"Whose Zaynie? " Ashton asked and I snagged the phone away. Christ.

Zaynie: Alexa? Are you home?

Zaynie: Alexa where are you? It's Liam

"What are you gonna do? Who the hell is Zaynie?" Ashton asked. It seemed constantly everyone was asking me what was I gonna do. I could never answer. This whole thing seemed to rest on me and I'm close to a breaking point, deep down. First, my mom with this. I thought I was done, I thought life was finally going right when I met her. And suddenly, she became my life. And too much for me to handle. I don't know, what I'm gonna do.

"Leave it," I ordered and walked out of the kitchen to my car.

Sorry for the short chapter today. I'm just trying to keep everything updated as soon as possible and hopefully another update will be soon .

Love you <3



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