Chapter 4:

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Alexa's POV:


"Alexa?" Liam asked peering over the side of the bed, staring down at me. I twitched my nose at him and turned the other way.

"Why in the world, are you on the floor?"

I shrugged my shoulders cuddling into the lamented wood, making him laugh.

Liam's POV:

"Well you enjoy that, I'm gonna see if we have anymore poptarts," I said leaning myself over the side of the bed and pecking her on the cheek. She murmured falling back into sleep and I rolled out of the bed.

I pulled the wedgie out of my boxers and headed to kitchen. As I looked in the cabinet, I heard the door knob being jiggle and loud banging on the door. I whipped open the door to see Calum standing on the porch. His eyes were almost bloodshot and his clothes looked wrinkled and stained. He had black sunglasses propped on the top of his nose and the smell..

"What. the. Hell." I shouted and he covered his ears, screaming.

"Stop screaming. Christ," He grumbled, pushing past me and going immediately into the kitchen. I angrily followed him and for the most part he ignored me digging into the box of poptarts.

"Can I get a water?" He asked munching on my food and sliding into the stool.

"Nobody works for you around here,"

He rolled his eyes was sliding off the stool and making his way to the fridge. He threw his arm out dramatically and grasped the white handle. He pulled out a half empty water bottle with the name brand paper peeled off and shrugged drinking it.

"That's Alexa's!" I called him. Alexa loves peeling off the paper on water bottles, for whatever reason. She says it's fun to do. To "break the rules". To me, it's pointless.

"I know."

"What the hell,"He exclaimed as I snatched the bottle away from him.

"Listen, you need to back the fuck off. I get you guys are friends and shit, but this is too far,"

" Relax man I'm just-"

"Don't tell me to relax. I'm tired of you trying to hit on her. She's mine,"

"Oh piss off," Calum said.

"You're just mad your girl wants to sleep with me," He muttered and I became enraged.

"The fuck did you say to me?" I asked stomping towards him

He stood his groan stepping off the stool and puffing out his chest.

"You must not know who the hell-"

"Liam? Calum?"

I turned around and saw Alexa standing there adjusting her glasses as if she didn't see us. Calum quickly flipped his sunglasses over his eyes and I causally leaned against the counter.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Calum smiled as if nothing happened.

"Calum, w-when you'd get back?" She asked scratching the bottom part of her corny yellow shirt and yawned.

"Yesterday night, I just ran out this morning to get more- poptarts," He answered rubbing the back of his neck and I nodded along, praying she wouldn't notice his eyes somehow.

"Oh okay," She smiled and walked over to me. Calum wandered into his room leaving his food all other counter.She walked over to the box and picked it up peering inside it.

"That's funny, it's empty,"

"Course it is," I muttered and she glanced up at me.

Alexa's POV:

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