Chapter 21:

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Liam's POV:

Before going back to the house, Alexa reminded me about grabbing milk to convince her father with and I pulled onto the highway to Target.

"Where are we going?" She asked.


"Target? Targets so far out go to the Walmart by the house,"

"No I hate Walmart, you know I hate Walmart,"

"You're just a sissy,"

" I'm not a sissy, I just don't wanna taste the boogers of various three year olds and cracked out hobos," I began to raise my voice and hers matched mine, equally as loud.

"Liam you're being dramatic! Everything is just as package as Target,"

"It feels cleaner,"

I watched her roll her eyes to the window and breaking out into a fit of giggles. I couldn't help but crack a smile still staring at the road ahead of me.

"We're going to Target,"

"Okay, okay, Mr. High Standards,"

"I don't have high standards!"

"Oh yeah, sure you don't.

"I dated you didn't i?"

Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped open, offended. I bursted out laughing and she crossed her arms claiming how unfunny it was. She faced away from me and towards the window pouting, angrily.

"I was just kidding," I teased and she ignored me.

"Alexa." I whined and no answer. I jabbed her in the side with my finger, attempting to tickle her. She jumped away with her arms wrapped around her stomach.

"Don't," She demanded, still giggling. I switched to driving with one hand, using my other against her stomach. She twisted and turned in her seat trying to avoid me and laughed like a maniac. I had found a parking spot near the back of the parking lot and began using both my hands to tickle her. Her laugh. It's been an eternity since I've heard it. She had one of those goofy, gasping for air laughs and she hated it. I'd always insist how much I loved it and she would roll her eyes, kissing me.

"Liam stop please," She begged through her tears and laughs until she suddenly stopped. She had this cold hard stare in her eyes and her mouth was shut tight. She undid her seatbelt, quickly and hopped out of the car. Confused, I followed after her as she hurried up to the building. I jogged up beside her and she had her arms wrapped around her self, shivering.

"What was that about?" I asked unzipping my track jacket and draping it on her shoulders. She nervously pulled the zipper closer to her body and stared ahead at the street.

"Nothing," She sighed out slipping her hands into the sleeves of my jacket. Her hand slightly bumped into mine and I took the chance to grab it, gently. She glanced up at me and gave me a small smile before returning to her stare.

The whole trip became silent as we went about our business of the store. We didn't break holding hands, and for that I am thankful. We gravitated towards the back of the store where the milk was held in the huge little refrigerators. I held open the glass door as Alexa reached towards the back of the line of jugs. She always picks from the back claiming those are the freshest. I would roll my eyes and chuckle to myself and she skip around to wherever we needed next.

The old days.

"Come on," She urged pulling my hand towards the front of the store for checkout. She pulled me in the 10 items or less line and laid her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on hers and we both waited for the line to speed by.

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