Chapter 20:

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Liam's POV:

I paced back and forth early that morning waiting for Alexa and Calum to get back the next morning. How could she just let him? Let him rip her away from me like that? It was sickening. The look in his eye. I stayed up all night waiting for her to come back at some point, but to my luck, she never did come back. Now I had gaping bags under my eyes and felt restless.I need to sleep, but I can't. I need to wait. She'll be back soon. Just wait.

"What's going on, champ?" Mr. Benson asked coming out from his room in a wife beater and boxers. I nodded to him and he disappeared into the bathroom beside me. I need to think of something to say to him about his missing daughter. Alexa would know. She'd have something cooked up by now. Cooked! Breakfast! Lord, I gotta get breakfast going if Mr. Benson is already awake.

I hurried into kitchen and opened the fridge, snatching out the carton of eggs. I grabbed a bowl out of the bottom cabinet and began, casually cracking eggs before Mr. Benson made his way back around here. When he entered the kitchen, he had on a green ratty old bathrobe and by that time I had the eggs cooking on the stove.

"Liam, my boy, what are you making?" He asked sliding into a stool on the counter behind me.I tensed up for a second. This seemed so much easier in my head.

"Just getting breakfast, ready,"

"Have you seen Alexa anywhere? Haven't heard her all morning," He asked and I could feel figurative sweat roll down my forehead. I was never really the best liar out there, back when I was a kid my mom would know all the things I would do when I was lying. Play with my fingers, not making eye contact, or shifting from foot to foot. Hopefully, I still don't do that.

"Oh- that, she just went out to get some eggs!"

" Eggs?" He questioned pointing to the full carton beside me.

Fuck. Shit. Dammit.

"Did I say eggs? I meant milk! She went to get milk," I assured trying to hide my nervousness. I was honestly terrified of what this man could do to me, if he found out how I hurt our girl. Our. He nodded his head rambling about some baseball game he saw once in person,where he caught the ball in the stands. I nodded along with his words and pushed the eggs around the hot pan.

" Your phones a buzzing," He announced, abruptly stopping in the middle of his story. I casually kept facing the stove and shifted the eggs onto a plate.

" It's probably some telemarketer, just leave it," I half asked half begged. It would be a relief had it been Alexa, but a curse having to pretend she's at grocery store grabbing milk. I tried to ignore the fact that my phone was going psycho with ringing and text tones before I finally cracked shoving the biscuits in the oven.

"I'll just be a second," I plastered a fake smile on my face, excusing myself outside to the front porch. Not too my surprise, the texts and calls were from Alexa and I didn't waste time calling her back.

She picked up after the first ring.

"Liam!" She answered sounding frantic.

"Yeah yeah, what's wrong? Where are you?"

"Is my dad up?"

"Uh yeah, by the way grab milk,"

"Liam, I can't even leave the house!"

"Can't leave the house?! What the-"

"Liam, Calum isn't taking my anywhere and everyone else is out of town, besides Michael and he wouldn't go against Calum,"

This motherfucker...

I ran my fingers through my hair and let out an annoyed sigh. I glanced to the kitchen window briefly to see Mr. Benson standing peeking past the small curtains. I gave him a small wave and thumbs up, weakly. I literally was on the verge of getting on my knees when he peeked out that window. The car was sitting pretty, in the driveway and my story would come to pieces.

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