Chapter 23:

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Calum's POV:

Her head immediately jerked away after our lips touched and she brought her frail hand to her mouth.

"I'm so sorry, I just-"

Suddenly, her hands shot out to my jacket and gripped the cloth before she slammed our lips back together. My hands moved to her waist and her fingers began to trail around my neck and tugged at my hair.

I gently dabbed my tongue out to her bottom lip, testing the waters and she gasped, briefly in response.

"Take me inside," She huffed through gasps of air and she didn't have to ask twice. I hopped out of the car undoing my chest plate from the lazed tag place as I walked up the driveway. She followed after me taking off that batman hoodie and letting her hair dangle to her shoulders as I opened the door.

"You guys have been out for a while," Luke called from the couch playing some video game.

Alexa turned to me, slamming the door, and jumped on me. She desperately clung to my neck, making out with me as I held her by the thighs, carrying her up the steps.

"Shit, man," Luke said in awe watching us. But I didn't care. I cared about her. Her. How she felt. How she tasted. I wanted it. I wanted her.

I kicked open my bedroom door and we fell against my bed, stilling clinging to each other.

"This damn chest plate," She mumbled and I worked my fingers to rip it off. After I tossed it to the side, she tugged her shirt over her head and resumed kissing me.

"Are we doing this?" I grunted out, staring down at her face.

"You don't want to?" She teased and I gave a brief smile before bending down to kiss her more. I moved from her lips to her neck, peppering it with small kisses and she giggled out my name, grasping my shirt.

I pulled away from her to take off my shirt and began kissing down her stomach, stopping at the waist band of her jeans.


"Calum, just go,"

Liam's POV:

I stared blankly at the tv screen, daydreaming off.

Alexa. God, I missed her already. Now she was gone again. This time I don't even know when I'd see her again or if I'd even see her again.

I had to resist today. I couldn't let myself fall back with her again, it would just hurt more to kiss her again. To touch her again like I used to. Listening to her today was horrible. The heart break lacing her voice as she would try to talk me and my painful responses. God, what would I give to take back everything for her. To just forget everything and just forget the world. For it to be just us.

I thought about the times where it'd be 2 am and we'd just be talking about nothing. Our fingers would be interwoven under the sheets and covers as we'd ask dumb little questions to each other. That'd be her most beautiful times. No make up, hair up under that head scarf, and a smile on her face. How she'd beg for me to stay awake with her and each time I'd give in. We'd talk and talk until she stopped answering. A loud snore would begin to ramp and I'd unlock our fingers wrapping my arms to her waist. I would lay my head on her stomach and could faintly hear her heart beat echo through her body, lulling me to sleep

I loved those times.

I missed those times.

A text from Zayn jingled from my phone and I lazily opened it.

Zayn: what are you doing now?

Me: Watching tv

Zayn: Lunch?

Me: Where?

Zayn: I'm feeling Casual Jack's

Me: Kickback I'm in sweats and I'm not changing

Zayn: Yes sir, pick you up?

Me: k

I resumed my sulking until the doorbell chimed throughout the house. I got off the couch and opened the door expecting to see Zayn but instead saw Faith.


"Faith? What are you doing here?" I asked quickly held her face and noticed the pro dominant slap mark on her cheek.

"Niall- he- he-" She shattered into a million pieces, falling into my arms.
She helplessly cried and I held her, trying to soothe her.

"Come inside,"

I gently helped her to the couch and snatched the box of tissues of the counter.

"What happened?" I asked after she calmed down for a second.

"H-he slapped me," She stutters out holding her self. The words stung and burned into my soul.

"What! why?" I asked

"We were in an argument over the bathroom and how he leaves his clothes in the bathroom, then it escalated into the broken sink in the kitchen, then his parents, then he snapped,"

"You need to leave him," I choked out.

"Liam, I love him,"

"He's no good for you," I said sternly.

The doorbell rang again and I stood up from the couch to get it. I opened the door to Zayn who was on his phone.

"Hey I gotta pee so- Faith?"

She looked up from the couch with red eyes and snot everywhere. She was a mess.

Zayn hurried over to her side, laying her head against his shoulder and stroked her head softly.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Niall slapped her," I mumbled under my breath returning to my seat on a different couch.

"The nerve of that bastard! Faith you're leaving him," Zayn exclaimed.

" I- I love him, he's my man, my everything,"

"He's barely a man, to hit you like that. Any man that hits a woman isn't a man at all," Zayn quoted and the words shook me. It shook me to my core. I wasn't a man at all. I was a child, a criminal, an abuser.

I could only imagine Alexa in this position crying into Calum's shirt, begging him.

I can't stay. I have to go.

I abruptly stood up and grabbed my keys off the counter before swinging open the front door and unlocking the car door.

Where am I go? Am I gonna come back?

I don't know where I'm going to be honest. I just can't stay.

I have to go.

Alexa's POV:

I laid in bed staring at the beam of light peering through the small window in the room. Calum was silent in slumber as I laid there staring. Naked. Covers thrashed around the bed aimlessly and I laid there, staring into the darkness of the room. At that beam of light.


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