Chapter 6:

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Alexa's POV:

In the middle of the night, my stomach began tossing and turning again. Worse than the night before. I walked to the bathroom holding my stomach and bent over the toilet, hurling. I dropped to my knees gripping the toilet's seat and threw up more. What is going on? Maybe I shouldn't have tried that new Chinese place near work.

A quiet knock came to the door.

"Alexa?" Calum asked gently pressing against the door, opening it slightly.He stood there shirtless, hair thrown every which way in superman cotton pants.

"Are you alright?" He asked getting on his knees and placing his hand on the small of my back, rubbing in slow circles.

" Yeah, I guess I just had some bad Chinese. Why are you up?"

" It's kinda hard sleeping through someone barfing across from me," He slightly stuttered, but I chose to ignore it.

I rolled my eyes snatching some toilet paper off the roll and wiping my mouth.
"Well I'm sorry I'm such and inconvenience to your stay here," I said sarcastically, flushing the toilet and grabbed the corner of the sink, pulling myself up. I tossed the piece of paper into the trash and started to wash my hands.

"All's forgiven."

"What time is it?"

"Like 2:00 in the morning."

"Great, I'll never fall back asleep."

Calum sat on the floor quiet for a second until he looked up straight up at me.

"Wanna go get ice cream?"

" Calum it's 2:00 in the morning, why would an ice cream place be open?"

"The gas station isn't too fast from here. Come, on it'll be like old times," He pleaded outstretching his hands for me to pull him up. It wasn't a bad idea, I mean it's not like i have anything better to do. I took his hands pulling him up off the floor.

"It'll calm the tummy ache," He said using a baby voice and pushing out his bottom lip.

" Let me grab my hoodie," I said tip-toeing back into my room. Liam was still in bed sound asleep, snoring lightly. I smiled at how his nose flared every time he took a breath and how a slight amount of drool threaten to fall from his bottom lip.

"Hey!" Calum whisper-shouted from the doorway. He urged me to hurry up with angry hand motions and I stuck my tongue out. I walked quietly to our closet and pushed the hangers slowly through Liam's clothes. He had his old black batman hoodie sitting in the back and I snagged it off it's hanger. I pulled my head through the large whole and I was immediately engulfed in his old cologne. Pine Scent. He and I had got matching ones at some kiosk at the mall during the first year of our relationship. I snatched my flats out of the floor and brought them along to the bathroom.

I walked back into the bathroom fiddling with my headscarf and took my comb out of the drawer.

"Can you hurry up?" Calum asked peeking his head from around the corner. I shooed him off finding one of my ponytail holders on the floor and arranged my hair in a shabby ponytail in the middle of my head.

I turned off the light and nodded to Calum, following him to the front door. He noisily whipped open the door and I quickly shushed him looking back towards my room. Calum rolled his eyes pulling the keys out of his pocket and started to head to the car.

I slowly closed the door trying to make the least amount of noise possible. The door closed with ease and I smirked at Calum, which made him roll his eyes.He unlocked our car and we both slide into his tan leather seats.

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