Chapter 12:

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Ashton had the radio playing quietly as he drove and relieved, I stared out the window. All the possibilities flew through my head on the way to him.

"What if he tried to kill himself?" I whispered.


"What if he tried to kill himself, Ashton? It would make sense."

"Do you want him to?"

"I couldn't live with myself if he did."

We stayed silent for the rest of the trip until he pulled into the parking lot of the Brockton Rhode Island Medical Hospital. My heart was beating out of my chest as I slammed the car door and sped walk through the two automatic doors. Hurrying up to the front desk where an Asian woman nurse was with wide rimmed circular glasses.

"I'm here to see Liam Payne!" I shouted a little bit too loud and she narrowed her eyes.


"Alexa Benson"

"Relationship with the patient,"

"Girlfriend, I'm his girlfriend,"

"You got an ID on that?"

This was going painfully slow as she wrote on her little clipboard and visitors form.

"I don't have my ID,"

"Well I'm afraid you won't be able to see him."

"Ma'am please."

Suddenly,Zayn came from down the hall and a smile spread across his face.

"Alexa!" He sighed, relieved and ran over to me hugging. I buried my face in his chest and shed some tears into his shirt.

"Miss please, they've been together for 3 years," Zayn reasoned and the woman nodded flittering her hand towards the hallway.

"Thank you" I said, wiping my tears and Zayn lead Ashton and I into Liam's brightly lit hospital room. There he was. His top and bottom eyes lashes touched and his mouth was slightly open.

"He had to have an emergency kidney transplant," Zayn explained, quietly and I crept over to Liam's body. He was so still and peaceful, I didn't want to ruin it, but I had to. I had to just get a taste of him.

"Wasn't he on a list or something? " I asked reaching out slowly to touch him. Just get my fingers against his soft skin.

"He was moved to the top, due to his condition," A doctor said strolling in and I jerked my hand away.

" Styles, Harry Styles, you know a thing or two about this stuff, huh?" He said with a wicked smile and a held out. As I shook his hand, I took in the features of his face. His eyes were a pretty green and his hair was tied in a seemingly comfortable bun in the back of his head. Just on his upper lip he has slight hair growing. Could doctors have hair that long?

" Alexa Benson, Grey's Anatomy marathons,"

" I see, Well Dr. Benson, he should be here around 10 to 12 days," He chuckled.

"How did you find him?" I questioned turning to Zayn.

" Before I left work, he had left his planner in the locker room and you know how he is without it. I got sidetracked and went to the club with Perrie where I saw you, I texted him and continued on with partying, afterwards I took Perrie home and realized it was still in there. In all honesty I wanted to see him yelling at you so I showed up without calling or texting."

"How'd you get in?" Ashton asked.

"You act like you don't know where they hide the key," Zayn chuckled and Ashton shrugged, agreeing. I scoffed and urged him to go on with the story.

"It was awful man, the house was a mess. Glass everywhere, holes in the walls, it looked like a war zone, naturally I go to find Liam and he's on the floor, not moving, I grab him in the car and we're here, man."

" I see, Alexa, can I see you in the hallway for a second?" Dr. Styles requested and I nodded, following him. He shut the door and let out a big sigh shoving his hands in his coat pocket.

"I've been wondering where you got that bruise on your face," He said rocking back and forth on his heels. I covered my palm over it and thought of an excuse. Shit was it that obvious?

"A baseball hit it," I lied.

"A baseball?"

"Yes, sir"

"Alexa, if there's anything you need to-"

"I'm fine, thank you."

I guess the whole thing was pretty patchy, but sensible. Crappy house, beer bottles, passed out boyfriend and bruised and battered girlfriend.

He stood quiet before nodding his head and letting out a small smile.

"I suppose we should return back in, hmm?" Dr. Styles asked, opening the door and I walked in thanking him.

"Alexa, we need to get going, We still gotta go to the drug store," Ashton reminded, stepping away briefly from Zayn and his conversation. I wasn't ready to go. I dragged my stubby fingers against his soft cheek and felt like crying. We were so close yet one of us were gone.

"You're not staying for him to wake up?" Zayn asked and I shook my head.

"It's better for him not to know I'm here, " I told him and instantly regretted it. I could just imagine Dr. Styles's face by the door. He had to be suspicious. I bent down and kiss Liam's cheek and patted his arm.

"When are you coming back?" Zayn asked as he pulled me in for a tight hug. When would I be back? I wanted to be here everyday, but there was no way Ashton and I could pull that off, let alone him being up for it.

"Alexa," Ashton warned and I sighed staring at Liam, for what may well being the last time I see him. I held in my tears and followed after Ashton to his car. He drove to the nearest gas station and I hurried in to grab my "womanly products," and was back in the car in no time. By the time we got back to the house, it was already 6:00 and Ashton let out a loud yawn.

When we opened the door to the house, Calum came from around the corner with my phone. Had he found out? Oh God almighty, please. My heart started beating and I swallowed the spit wallowing up inside my throat. Was it hot in here? It was hot in here.

" Whats up, Calum, " Ashton asked nervously and Calum did a long sigh handing me my phone. The voicemail was already playing and I listened intently.

"Hey, honey! Your father and I were wondering if we could come down and have Thanksgiving with you and Liam! We'll bring some food ourselves and I could show you two a thing in the kitchen, but we just need a yes, Get back to me soon. Love you, "




"Who were they?" Ashton asked and Calum rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"Who do you think they are? They're her-" He began before I cut him off.

"My parents,"

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