Chapter 26:

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Liam's POV:

My hands were folded in my lap and my feet placed firmly to the floor. Calum still had a black eye, but had faded away for the most of it. The gaping cut at the corner of his lip had a huge band aid over it, that left of corners of his wound to the open. His tie was draped loosely around his neck and his suit was baggy, hanging off him. His obsidian and blonde streaked hair was in a scruffy mess and you could tell that he hadn't slept in a while. He had such a barren stare at the tiled floor as his lawyer explained the case.

He was so out of it. The eerie glances, his slow breathes, even his blinking felt unnecessarily prolonged. You could just tell, he wasn't paying attention. He had a reason to.

Calum's POV:

* flashback*

After she had gone out, my head shot up. Michael shook her by the shoulders, pressing his ear to her chest before I shoved him out of the way.

"Alexa? Alexa, come on," I whispered to her, praying she'd be listening. I began doing every medical procedure I had learned and her eyes remained closed. People talking to me and to each other, felt like white noise. They were so blocked out and out of my level. I dipped my one arm under her knees and the other to her back, pulling her into my chest. I gently rocked her back and forth, begging her to wake up under my baited breath. At that moment, it was just me and her. No one could say anything to me. I couldn't feel anything but her slipping away from me in slow motion. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't breathe.

Two EMT's barged in and ripped her from my arms. Everything happened so fast, all I could feel was hands on my shoulders and my back against the wall, restraining me. Four police officers joined the room and my mom jammed her thumb to me with tears in her eyes. I felt deaf watching Luke and Ashton hold my mom back from Hugh and Michael yelling at the officers. One raised his night stick and Michael grasped it in his palm, pleading. Another guy used his and knocked Michael in the back of knees. He dropped to his knees and one of the four officers handcuffed him while another jerked him back to his feet. A hard hand shoved my shoulder forward and cuffed my wrists.

" Get up!" He mouthed and I blindly followed behind Michael and the other two officers at both his side. Alexa, Hugh and my mom had long left and Ashton and Luke scrambled into the car. Michael was jammed into one cruiser behind me and I the other.

I sat there.

Calum Hood. Sitting in the back of a police car. Thieves sat here. Murders. Abusers. I felt like one of them. The filth of the world. I sat where they sat. Bars divided me from the officers and they'd occasionally glance at me through the rear view mirror and I averted my eyes to the floor. The floor  littered with gum, crumbs, and tissues. The stench of the car was strong and terrible. I attempted not breathing it in, but failed miserably. It reeked of weed.

The car ride came with a quiet hum of their radio and scattered conversation in between them with a low hum of the engine. Oh, and the plaguing thoughts of my mind.

When we arrived, they swung open the door left of me and grouped at my arm, forcing me out.

I was back in the parking lot of the Brockton County Police Department.I was shoved through the same glass doors where they lead me the first time a little farther down a hall and made a turn to another desk with a man sitting, scribbling on a clipboard.

Michael was getting his mugshot taken on the left of the desk. We locked eyes when he turned right and the guy interrupted our communication.

" Name?"

My voice came out low and deep.

"Calum Thomas Hood."

He gave me his clipboard where a white paper was attached. A bunch of questions were listed one right after the other and an officer uncuffed me.

"Fill it out," He ordered.

And I did.


Under the influence.


Eye color.

Hair color.


I reached the bottom where it said for an authority to fill out and slid the clipboard away. Michael was on the pay phone, shouting and tapping his foot. The cop hushed him and Michael mockingly, gently hung up the phone. Michael was shoved in a little cell near the phones and he strained his voice to talk to me while I stood in front of the pay phone.

"I'll get us out of this Calum, alright? Who are you calling?"

I didn't answer.

I typed her number in like it was second nature. It was. I would call her whenever there was trouble. She'd bail me out, excited to hear what happened this time.

She'd bail me out.

She was okay.






Me: Hiya this is Alexa, the loser saying that I smell like poop cause I eat it often, everyday even

Alexa: *in distant background* Calum, can you call my phone, I can't- hey!

I smiled at the sound of her and I laughing over the phone, and the rustling of us fighting for it.

God, her laugh.

Me: Don't try to call later cause I'm gonna be too busy eating poop bye.

Her snorting laugh was the end the message and a small smile creeped on my face. We had made it back in college when she had stepped out of the room for a second. It used to be her happy tone, saying how she couldn't get to the phone right now and she'd call right back, when she saw it.

She never would.

I used to tease her about her false advertisement and she'd roll her eyes with a grin.

Not used to would. I would tease her.

She's okay, Calum.

She's okay.

Yes I suck big time for never updating, but I've just had some major writer's block ><
I'll try to get the next one in soon. Thanks for waiting!

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