Chapter 24:

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The after math of my actions haunted me as I laid there beside Calum. I felt dirty. A whore. A slut. A cheater. I cheated on Liam. Regardless of us dating or not, I cheated on him. 3 years together and I threw it all away with this shameless act. Calum was good and all, but I didn't feel him like
Liam. I didn't hear him like him.

The whole time I couldn't help but think of Liam. Me wrapping my arms around his neck or running my fingers through his chestnut hair. I missed him. I missed him more than anything. I don't why I did it with Calum. I needed something, but Calum couldn't fill this void in my heart. He was just a piece.

The doorbell rang out from downstairs and the noise sent a shock through my body. Oh God, is that Liam? Is he down there? He chose now to come back for me while I'm like this!?? I jostled Calum awake and he let out a loud groan.

"Calum, get up its the doorbell," I whispered rolling out of the bed and searching for my scattered clothes. His upper half met with his knees and he curled into a ball before stretching his whole body flat against the bed.

"Michael, can get it," he mumbled snuggling up to his pillow again. I heard the door pry out and muffled voices from downstairs.

"Hey, uh, Calum?" Ashton's unsure voiced echoed through the house.

"Michael, huh?" I teased.

"Shut up," Calum rolled his eyes grabbing a random shirt off the bedroom floor and pulling it over his bed head. He rolled off the edge of the bed, and did one final stretch before heading downstairs.

I tagged along after him lazily and I walked out of the bedroom door only to find him, mouth gaping staring down at the door from the top of the steps. Hugh Lancaster stood in the doorway with a skeezy smile plastered across his face.

" Calum," he smirked.

"Get the fuck out," Calum growled under his morning breath.

"Calum!" I scolded.

"Get the fuck out!" Calum ordered stomping down the steps quickly, with his fists balled tight and I chased after him, desperately. Hugh stood with all of his yellowish teeth in a devilish smile and he flicked a cigarette onto the ground stepping on it.

Ashton quickly stepped in the path of Calum stopping him, just as Hugh raised his arm in the air. Not to swing back, but to put his arm around Calum's mother, Joy.

"Calum," she smiled weakly and he froze in his tracks. Ashton and I released our grip on him as he stood watching her. Joy's arms slowly outstretched towards him and I watched Calum's eyes follow them.

Everything was silent for a moment until Calum mumbled under his breath.

"Get them the fuck out,"

He turned around into the house walking into one of the bathrooms downstairs and Ashton followed after him. Joy's eyes fell to the floor and Hugh gave her a gentle squeeze at her shoulder.
Her eyes met mine and I returned Calum's lost hug to her.

"Miss Hood," I smiled into her shoulder and Hugh approached me for a hug. I gave him an obviously fake smile and gave him an awkward hug. His whole body smelled like a smoker's paradise and a strong tobacco scent.

"My you've grown, Alexa, you're too skinny, why are you so skinny?" She teased me and I playfully rolled my eyes, inviting them in. I sat them on the couch in front of the TV and took a seat on the small love seat beside them.

" How have you been, Miss Hood?" I asked, saying Miss Hood in spite of Hugh. There was no way in hell I was calling her Mrs. Lancaster. She was Miss Hood or Joy to me and always Miss Hood to me.

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