Chapter 19:

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Liam's POV:

I sat frozen in front of her phone and checked the time that he sent that text. Three minutes ago. I quickly jotted a text back down and sent it.

Me/Alexa: Don't Calum, I'm fine

Before he texted back Alexa came out of the bathroom with her hair wrapped up and ready for bed. She didn't see me drop her phone back into place and cocked her head at seeing me on the floor suddenly.

"You got couch, "

"Liam I-"

"No if, and's, or but's just go to bed," I cut her off, turning on my side facing away from her. I was sure to roll on top of her phone dimming the light down a bit. She sighed a playful sigh nestling under her covers and making her self comfy with her pillows.

"Goodnight, Alexa."

"Goodnight, Liam."

It felt so foreign to me not saying an I love you to her, but I was scared. I had gotten this far with her there was no sense of messing it up with stupid feelings. I silently mouthed more to myself an "I love you" and imagined her doing the same.

I dozed off to sleep before Alexa,waiting for Calum to either show up or not to the house in the middle of the night. I abruptly shot up when I heard the door close and panicked when I didn't see Alexa on the couch. I scrambled off the floor and mentally prepared to literally punt that douche out of my house. I swung open the front door to see Alexa sitting on the stairway, staring up into the night sky. She had her arms folded across her chest, crouched over and holding her elbows in her small fragile hands, hugging herself.


She jumped at my presence and her face turned towards me, with tears streaming down it.

"You didn't say it," She whimpered turning back towards the sky. I walked around kneeling in front of her and took her frail hand into mine.

"I love you Alexa, I love you to the moon and back. I love you more than the grains of sand, I love you more than the stars in that silly big sky that you sleep to, I love you to the hairs on your head and the toes on your feet. I've always loved you, baby, and I always will," I assured and she became overwhelmed again, burying her face into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her shaking body and couldn't help but tear up myself.

"Why'd you do it, Liam? Why did you do this?" She sobbed and I couldn't answer her. Why did I do it? Rage? Envy? I could never look her into those black eyes and tell her the truth.

I didn't have it.

We stayed like that for a while, crying to each other silently. A cool November breeze rolled by and I held her tighter. I wasn't gonna let her go like this. Not for the world.

Two bright headlights pulled into the driveway and I could feel Alexa's face scrunch up in confusion. I spun around still holding her in my grasp and watched Calum jump out of the car.

"Calum?" Alexa squeaked out and he ignored her.

"Get the fuck off her, you son of a bitch," He demanded, slamming the car door storming towards us. I stood to my feet, still holding her hand protectively and stuck out my chest.

"Get the hell out of here, Hood,"

His eyes were dark looking at our hands and shot daggers towards me. I stood confidently towering over him and his fists clenched tight.

"Calum, w-what are you doing here?" Alexa asked slightly loosening the grip on my hand and I felt a pang of sadness.

"You know exactly why I'm here, this!" He gestured to our hands and she tried to shake me off. I gave her a longing look and she stopped facing Calum, clenching me tighter.

"Calum, that doesn't mean you get to drive here in the middle of the night, I could have been asleep or with my parents!"

"But you weren't, you were here fucking sucking faces with this asshole,"

"Shut the fuck up," I snapped.

"Save it, asshat, let's go, Alexa," He ordered reaching his arms out her and she didn't go to him.

"Get out of here, Calum," She whispered fiercely and he had a small hurt look on his face.


" No,Calum I'm sick of you just barging into my life, trying to save me from him! Just get the hell out of here!"

He physically stumbled back at her demanding tone and held his hand over his chest. Confused, I watched his eyes well up with tears, staring into hers, heartbroken.

"You're just like her,"

I could tell the words hurt Alexa by the way her face dropped after he said that and a wave of immediate regret washed over her face.

"Calum I-"

He shook his head wiping his eyes with his sweatshirt sleeve and headed back towards his car. Alexa escaped from my hand and I desperately reached out to grab her back before she ran back to him.

"Liam, I'm sorry,"

"What Alexa-"

"Liam, I'm sorry!" She shouted briefly pecking me on my lips before hurrying to Calum's running car.

" Alexa! Alexa get back here!" I screamed as she hopped into his car and he checked his rear view mirror, backing out of the driveway with her. With my baby.

I desperately chased after them, banging my fist against the cold passenger window where Alexa sat with her head burrowed into her hands, sobbing. I could barely see her as I begged but I got one glimpse.


Calum and her sped off leaving me in the middle of the street watching them,helplessly.

I was such a monster.
Alexa's POV:

The car ride was silent only filled with my sniffles before Calum spoke up.

"You know I had to, Alexa, he-"

"Fuck you Calum Hood! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Why can't you just let me be happy, huh? Why can't you just let me be with him and get the hell over it! You always prevail to fuck up everything and ruin my fucking life!"

He was dead silent after my outburst and I seethed with rage.

"You sound just like her,"

I was stunned. How dare he compare me to his mom! I was nothing like her! I knew Liam wouldn't hurt me again and I knew I'd be strong enough to pull myself away from him if he did. Why didn't he understand that? I just didn't want to miss him tonight.

" You're exactly like her, Alexa, you keep going back. He keeps reeling you in an you keep taking the bait. It's stupid. You think you're strong enough, don't you? That you're some tough don't take shut girl, huh? Wait for the day he holds a gun to your fucking son's head when he's drunk and your son actually wants him to pull that damn trigger. You wait for the fucking day your son has to listen to him RAPE you in the room beside him when he's trying to sleep at night in his little bunk bed, Alexa. You don't know what fucking hell you'll go through staying with him. And I've been there and back. Do yourself and the world a fucking favor and get the hell over him,"

The car was filled with silence as he pulled into the house driveway and climbed out the car slamming the door behind him. He had yanked the keys out of the ignition and had opened the front door to the house, slamming it loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.

I was in a state of shock. He had never told about that stuff and it was terrible to hear. I didn't know how I felt on it and I didn't intend to find out. I headed inside where Michael was at the top of the stairs in his black American apparel underwear staring down at me confused.

"What the hell just happened?"

Yes, I had to with the American apparel! I couldn't help myself! Anyway what do you guys ship? Comment! Vote! Share

Love you <3


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