Chapter 17:

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Liam's POV:

Alexa, Mrs. Benson, and my mom were in the kitchen while the men had the eyes glued to the television. After my parents showed up, everyone spilt up to their thanksgiving jobs. Alexa seemed mortified when she saw me standing in the door way. Her smile dropped and was just speechless at my presence. I could only imagine that my faced looked them, surprised. I hadn't really planned on my parents showing up this year, I had told them we were going to her parents place up in New York.

" Liam, I thought you were gonna be up in New York for Thanksgiving?" Dad asked keeping his eyes on the tv and Mr. Benson looked over, surprised.

"New York? " He questioned and I could feel the room getting hot.

"Oh, oh yeah, we were planning on New York and then, then the plans changed," I stuttered trying to focus on the tellie and then my dad faced me, cocking his head to the side.

"I called yesterday," He said slowly and I thanked God that Alexa's peeked around the corner into the room.

"Dinner in 10, guys," She announced and pointed to her, quickly.

"Alexa! Alexa! Can I talk to you in our room for a second?" I asked standing up and raised my hand to touch her shoulder. I swore she flinched for a second and I caught a glimpse of the fear in her eyes. I recoiled, hesitantly. She quickly looked away acting like she had to open the door, and it creaked loudly as usual. I closed the door behind me and ran my fingers through my hair.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked and she popped her knee, holding her elbow squeamishly.

"What the hell are YOU doing here?" She retaliated.

"I live here!"

"I live here too!"

"Um-- none of your stuff is here!" I gestured the slightly empty room from the loss of her clothes and different make up things.

" You were in the hospital! And my parents wanted to come over, I would think you were getting a transplant!"

"Why didn't you have them at where you stay?"

Where does she stay now? It couldn't have been here. Right? It's too much...

" How would I explain that to my parents? We moved into Calum's place?"

"Calum's place? Why are you at Calum's place?"

" Where else would I go?"

Alexa's POV:

"Where else would I go?" I demanded folding my arms across my chest. Why was he patronizing me? He showed up randomly here! HIf anything this was my house right now!

" Have them at Calum's!"

"You and I both know the problems with that,"

He cursed under his breath holding the back of his neck rubbing it in small circles. It was silent for a moment or two until I decided to speak up.

" We can't tell them, you know that right?" I said barely audible, and he looked me right in the eyes. His were starting to be glossy as he gently reached out to touch me.


"Save it."

I pushed past him, calmly and hurried back into in the kitchen with my mom and Mrs. Payne. I couldn't stay in there with him like that. It was too much. What he did to me was unforgivable and the only reason I was still here was for my parents and his sake. I couldn't tell my parents, they'd kill him and have him sent to jail then kill me for staying with him. I couldn't even imagine the rage in my dad's face if I told him.

"Great, help us get these plates out," My mom said pulling the cornbread out of the oven as Mrs. Payne stirred the green beans in the pot. I stood on the tip of my toes, groping for the plates when my mom spoke up.

"Karen, that boy has not popped the question,"

"Oh, Melissa! I know it, I know it! When I was talking on the phone with him, he was just so uneasy about it. Apparently it's "not the best time" " Mrs. Payne gossiped and my mom whistled.

" Not the best time, huh. Heard that one," Mom said, glaring at me. I ignored her.

"I told him, you couldn't keep a woman waiting forever on a question like that, " Karen continued and my mom nodded her head in agreement.

"Alexa, you got those plates?" Mom asked turning to me and I hadn't realized I had stopped everything, to listen into their conversation. Karen began getting the forks and knives out placing them neatly on the table as she talked and I listened intently.

"Liam's a fine young man of course, but I couldn't see the sense in waiting, how long have you been steady, Alexa?"

"3 years"

"3 years! That boy should have already asked," Karen scolded under her breath and Mom chuckled.

" Soon Karen, it'll be soon,"

Liam came through the doorway with the fathers following him.

"Is the food ready yet?" He asked walking over to me and grabbed the plates for me. I muttered a thank you and he cracked a small smile.

"Yep, everyone get seated," Mom shooed everyone to their spots at the table. My dad sat at the front of the table with my mom on one side and me on the other while Mr. Payne did the same with Karen on one side and Liam on the other. Liam stared at me for conformation before sliding his chair out and taking a seat.

"Let us say grace," Dad announced taking my mother and my hand. Karen and her linked hands and Karen and Mr Payne joined. I was hesitant to hold Liam's hand and Mr. Payne took a short notice. I covered it with interlocking our fingers and bowing my head, avoiding any other eye contact.

" Heavenly Father God, we thank You for the food we are about to receive, God. We pray that it nourishes our bodies to do the work of You, God. We thank You for Karen and Geoff safe trip over here, God, and thank you for the relationship between their son and our daughter to bring us all together. Lord, bless this food, in Jesus name we pray. Amen, "

The rest of us echoed with amens and began grabbing food out of the tinfoils and bowls. As everyone commerced, I reached for the spoon for the macaroni in front of me and as I did Liam did the same. Our fingers touched softly and I immediately backed off. I need to stop this.
He offered me to go before me and I took the spoon giving my self a brief plop of the food.

"How's the gym been doing you, Liam?" My dad asked reaching for the green beans over the turkey.

" It's been well sir, we just put in an order for new equipment, about a week ago, and are just waiting for them to come in," Liam explained.

"You always gotta make sure you get the right company to deliver your things. I've seen companies just deliver the box without the item in it! And you should always bring up if some thing isn't on time, that's a little hint for a refund on your shipping charges," My dad winked and Liam chuckled. My dad had been working in the delivery service for as long as I could remember. He would drive all around town in his big brown van ringing doorbells and carrying things out while my mom worked as a full time nurse at the local hospital.

Dad went on and on with his lecture on how to package things and I watched Liam struggle to listen. I giggled to myself watching him strain his eyes to blink and he looked over to me. He gave a small smirk to me catching on to our little joke. Mom noticed our giggles and rolled her eyes, hushing my dad.

"That's enough, Kirk,"

I missed this between Liam and I. Being able to catch on to catch on to jokes immediately and for no one else to know, like a secret. My eyes darted to his hand resting on the table and back to mine resting near it. Liam took notice to my looking and inched his hand slightly closer, but I returned back to my lap. He frowned briefly before starting a conversation with my dad about the football game.

This is how it's suppose to be.

My family, his family joined together and I never wanted it to end.

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