Chapter 18:

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Alexa's POV:

By the end of the night, our parents had turned into their rooms, Liam's in ours and my parents in the extra room or Calum's. He and I got stuck with dishes with me drying and him washing them. We kinda worked in silence, which was kinda abnormal with us. We'd usually goof off or talk about how bad work was, or how much I loved the food.

"Why are you so quiet?" I asked keeping my eyes focused onto the plate and cloth. He was quiet for a couple minutes not wanting to answer, but I slightly nudged him.

"I-I'm scared I'll mess up again."

The words hit me at my core. The sorrow in his voice, the words were so casual, but heart wrenching. I was speechless. What do you say to that?!

I placed the plate on the counter and wrapped my arms awkwardly around his shoulders in a side hug. He slightly snuggled into my head, keeping his hands in the soapy water, clenching the dish. God, Calum would kill me. I backed away.

After finishing up, Liam went to shower and I grabbed the two huge covers out of the linen closet near the garage, preparing to sleep in the living room. I grabbed a throw pillow off the sofa and tossed it on the floor in front of the coffee table and tv. I'm gonna let Liam sleep on the couch for his surgery and everything, he winced a little when we were washing dishes. I laid on the floor pulling the covers up to my chin, and pulled out my phone, waiting for Liam to finish showering.

Calum: How was Thanksgiving?

Me: Good, surprisingly, nothing crazy really happened.What did you guys do?

Calum: Ashton and Luke went to visit some family, so Michael and I chilled at the house, with frozen pizza. I gave my mum a call.

Me: That's good, how's she been doing?

Calum: Good, as far as I know, she sounded fine on the phone.

Me: She must be happy you gave her a ring

Calum: She was. How's HE been

I was about to answer when the bathroom door swung open and Liam shuffled out in a storm of steam, the fluffy white towel clenching to his waist. His hair was drenched in water and he had a small stream flowing down his forehead. His eyes were dark and felt seductive and I could feel my stomach doing somersaults.

"You wanna clock in?" He asked, using his gym lingo and I could feel my jaw go slightly ajar. Was he doing this on purpose? How could he look this good and not have an idea? He looked like an angel from the heavens above that spared me with his presence in my lowly house.


His voice snapped me out of my daydream and I nodded my head, rubbing the back of my neck. I stood up, leaving my phone on my makeshift sleeping bag and I could feel myself levitating towards bathroom. Towards him

"Come to me," My imaginary Liam whispered and I felt like sprinting in there, grabbing him.

By the time, I got to him he had slipped on his cursed boxers and some basketball shorts. I cursed under my breath. He had the towel pressed to his hair drying it, and I squeezed past him to get to the shower.

"Hey, I took a cold shower, so you can get the heat," Liam said, slipping a t-shirt over his head.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that,"

"It's fine, I wanted to,"

He gave me a lopsided smile before closing the door behind him, and I leaned against the wall, sighing. I hate how sweet he was being right now, and how he could look so good doing absolutely nothing. I hated how I couldn't know whether he was doing this on purpose or he was just that- gorgeous.

I turned the shower to the heat and let it warm up as I undressed. I took a short shower, desperate to get some sleep.

Liam's POV:

I held my phone over my face, scrolling through Instagram pictures of people's Thanksgiving. I had made Alexa's huge cover into a make shift sleeping bag and cuddled into the pillow.

How was this was like for her? Us. Me here with her. Everything seemed so foggy between us, like she was there just not with me. Was she in pain with me with her here? She didn't really say anything when I told her about how scared I was. I didn't know really what I wanted her to say after me. I just expected something. I noticed her phone right beside me and watched it light up with new messages from someone.

It wouldn't hurt to take a glance, right? Who would she have been talking to anyway. Besides, I'm her passcode of anything this is my phone too. Liam, really? That's so stupid, how does that even make sense?

I took the phone in my hand and took a brief look at the contact name.

Cal Pal?

My text tone jingled with a message from Zayn on my phoneme scaring me and I tapped it open with my finger.

Zayn: How was it?

Me: How was what?

Zayn: The Dinner!

Me: Food was good, my mum bought some yams and those little sushi candies from Japan for Alexa to try. You know those little candies with the little orange fish on it?

Zayn: not the food dumb ass! Did you tell them?

Me: Tell them about what?

Zayn: the whole situation

Me: No! no! Fuck no! Are you crazy? Jeez man

Zayn: You can't keep acting like it never happened man! You'll have to tell them someday!

Me: Not today, it's Thanksgiving.

Zayn: just get it over with, I say

Her phones light blinked with more rapid messages and I cracked. I opened her phone scrolling through her long chains of text messages with Cal Pal.

Cal Pal: Alexa?

Cal Pal: Alexa what happened? Are you alright?

Cal Pal: Alexa if you don't text back in 5 minutes I'm coming over there

I checked the time that the message came in and it was way past 5 minutes.

Cal pal: I'm on the way


Hey guys,

Yes I know! I know! It's been forever since I've updated! I get so busy with school and sports and my nonexistent social life. I honestly try my best to get the next chapter out as soon as possible when I have the time too, so please please PLEASE be patient.

Plus, I sorta hate when other writers do this, but I can't resist.

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(By the way, 400+ reads? What?! I love you guys!)


- LexLuthor_43

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