On Tour

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Akeyla's POV
Morgan has been on tour for three weeks. Today I'm flying out to go see him. He doesn't know the only people that know is his manager Matt. Matt helped me plan the hole trip. I packed everything I need and told everyone I'd be gone a couple of days. Tyler and Mike drove me to the airport. I gave them a hug and told them I loved them and got on the plane.

Morgans POV
I decided to facetime Akeyla since I miss her so much.

Akeyla's POV
Just as I got off the plane and in the parking lot where my rental car is Morgan called me. I awnsered the phone and sat it up in the car. "Hey darlin what are you doing" He asked. "Shellby asked me if I could pick up one if her friends at the airport while she cleans her house" I said. "Oh ok  I miss you so much" he said. "I miss you to baby" I said. I turned it to where we were talking and not video chatting. "So how is everything at home noboys tried breaking in or anything right" Morgan said. "Everything is fine babe" I said. I got to his hotel room and knocked on the door. "Hang on babe someones at the door" Morgan said. He opened the door sat his phone down and ran to me. He picked me up while hugging me and spinning me around. (And I just wanna spin you round and round just came in to my brain). "How'd you get here" he asked. "Matt said you been upset a couple days so I thought I'd fly out to see you" I said. "I'm so glad you did I missed you so much" Morgan said giving me a kiss. "I missed you to I didn't have my cuddle buddy and Miah is sad cause you can't cuddle with her" I said. "Awww how is my little girl I miss her so much" Morgan said. "She's good Tyler had to play one of your songs so she would fall asleep" I said. "Awww" Morgan said. Tyler started video chatting me. "Hey is Morgan by you" Tyler asked. "Yeah hes right here" I said.  I handed Morgan my phone. "Can you please sing to Miah she's crying and won't go to sleep" Tyler said. " Of course" Morgan said. He started singing somebody's problem. Miah stopped crying and started to fall asleep. "Good night princess" Morgan said. He hung up the phone. We laid down and cuddled until we fell asleep. It makes me so happy that the kids love him.

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