Chapter 24

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I slept well that night and woke up feeling safe yet unsatisfied. Helping my body to release didn't have the effect I was hoping for and instead made me long for Boss all the more. But I had no time to dwell on such trivial things as life was to go back  to normal. I applied makeup to my face to hide the bruises that were starting to turn a nasty shade of yellow. Once I made sure that Pam was at the club I went down to meet her.

The moment I saw her, the tears broke out and I leapt into her arms and sobbed for a while as she simply ran her hand over my hair as if I was some wounded animal.

"The hair is new but we can work with that. What's troubling you deary? Your trip didn' go well?" So I told her of the trip and Boss's surprise tag-along the whole way up to Boss now staying at my place like some weird roommate. After I was done she took me into her arms once more and tried hard to get me to calm down.

"That wasn' what I was expectin'. I was thinkin' that maybe a shark ate a shoe or somethin'. Not this. Those men are all dead now though. You never have to deal with 'em again. And as fer Boss Man not acceptin' yer feelings, well, from what you said, he had himself a wife. That's hard to get past. But if he is allowin' you to boss him around then I'd take that as a sign from God himself." I had found it odd that he was allowing me to tell him what to do but I didn't want the power of it to go to my head. I just accepted that he was letting me help him and protect him since things were going to get bumpy from here on out.

"And now he is sleeping next to me so I don't wake up screaming and wants to make dinner tonight. I mean, this is Boss we are talking about. He is the leader of the Dorian group, a mafia organization, and yet I saw him wearing blue jeans." Pam's eyes grew wide and she grabbed me gently but excitedly by the shoulders.

"Say wha' now? You said blue jeans?" She slapped her knee and squealed at the vision in her head.

"I've only ever seen that man in a suit. I cannot even picture it in ma' head. My Lord the world has turned on it's axis." She fanned her face and I finally started to smile genuinely and even allowed for a short laugh.

"There it is. That perty laugh of yers that could call down angels from heaven." I wiped at the tears and gave a weak smile as I stood to go to the stage.

"So am I gonna keep singing until I heal or should I wait until I can wear the dresses again?" When I picked up the mic from behind stage and set it up I heard her say over the club speakers,

"That'll be up to you hun. I won't force ya to come back. I wouldn't let you back even 'til your vacation was over anyways. If you think you need more time than that to heal then take it." I smiled and she put on the song I usually sang to warm up to. Only, when the part came up to sing it I froze, fear seeping into me as I felt myself going back to when I had to sing for Mario and his men before I had been taken.

"Seraphine?" The music stopped and I shook my head of the memory, trying to calm my racing heart.

"Sorry. Again please." The beat started back up again and I swayed my hips and arms to loosen the tension that my body was holding up. Yet when the time came for my voice to come forth, I took a step back and covered my lips, tears falling yet again. I couldn't. Or I guess I could sing but the fear that I would just open my eyes and be back in that performance for those men again had me shaking.

Pam ran down after stopping the music and took me into her arms once more.

"They really did a number on ya. Why don't you head home and get some rest? Maybe sing for Boss Man to help yer nerves." I nodded and with a few thank yous to her I left for home.

I had no sooner walked through the front door than I noticed the grocery bags on the counter and at least two stacks of paperwork on the table that Boss was sitting at, hard at work.

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