Chapter 3

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Two Years Ago

True to his word, as soon as I arrived home to my run down apartment, Boss's envelope vibrated. I set my bag down on the counter separating the kitchen from the living room and went to the couch to try and relax. With careful fingers I opened the envelope and pulled out its content. The phone he had said about was the first item that ended up in my hands as I clicked the power button. Surprisingly it was an iphone. Did the mob update their burner phones to something a little classier?

There was no password so I unlocked it, the screen saver for both the lock screen and the home screen a fancy symbol that I had just recently seen. It was at the headquarters for the Dorian group. It is likely the symbol of the organization.

At the bottom of the screen it showed that I had a text. Seeing no reason to not browse through the phone I tapped and entered the app. A text from a Dr. Gaffigan.

Call me at your earliest convenience to set up an appointment. I made a mental note to call them first thing in the morning. Reaching for the rest of the paperwork, it was all information about my job and what I would be doing along with other paperwork such as employment to the club I would be preforming at. He had just met me this evening and already there was a perfect outline to my duties to not only the club but to him including a time that everyone in the organization was to attend a monthly meeting to go over important intel.

"He's really got this all together with a neat little bow doesn't he?" The last page was a personal copy of the contract he had given me.

"So all that there really is now to do is call the doctor tomorrow, go to the club to get my measurements in, start working out a few days a week, and move apartments within the week." Sounds easy enough I suppose. Though as I had remembered him looking at the bag when I had asked him how I was going to afford one, I looked into the folder once more, expecting a big wad of cash and instead just saw a little gold card. It was made of metal and surprisingly heavy.

"Is this..?" I did a double take. An American Express card? This was a gold level one too. This was insanely hard to get and even more so if you made as little as me. You have to pay a small fortune just to have one of these cards let alone make the payments on it.

"Okay then. Let's begin shall we?"

The Next Morning

Doctor Gaffigan turned out to be female. She was surprisingly kind considering her ties to to the Dorian group. I had set up an appointment for later this afternoon for the physical and for her to set me up with birth control.

The club wouldn't open until six this evening so I could go after my appointment with Doctor Gaffigan to get acquainted with the staff.

It was sure to be a busy day and I knew exactly how I wanted to start it. After a refreshing shower, I blow dried my hair and put it up into a nice ponytail that would complement my style choice for the day. A pair of denim shorts and a green off the shoulder crop top that shown off my hair and eyes even more were the perfect choice for the warm summer day.

I had spent some time last night after I had gone over all the documents and information I needed to know looking for apartments that were closer to the club. I wanted something simple and modest but I had gotten a text from Boss's number that had a link to an upscale complex that he approved of with a reminder to not reply back to him.

The photos of the place were amazing and way too fancy for my taste but if he wanted me in that one then I would concider it. But I wanted one thing first.

I hopped into my car and drove down to the place where I knew I could find what I wanted. As I put the car in park I smiled from ear to ear. I had wanted this for a long time and now I could get it.

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