Chapter 6

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Two Years Later

Somehow we all managed in the back of a cab that was taking us to the airport for our flight. I knew without looking that the flight Boss had booked for us was a private jet so when we arrived and checked in, we were escorted to a separate room to await our plane.

"Girl, I cannot believe that you did this for us!" Lexi was looking around the space that was obviously reserved for high class business men with awe. Kaitlyn was observing quietly but similarly would check some items from time to time to check if they were real or fake.

"Thank my boss for hooking us up with all this cool stuff. And I guess also me cause I worked hard for us. But for a couple of weeks we get to relax on sandy beaches and enjoy some nice clear skies." I set my bag down and checked my phone, a text from the animal hotel I sent my kitties to already showing me how they are getting along with some of the other cats. They will be fine for a while.

"What do you do again Sophie?" Kaitlyn's question made me question if even I knew.

"I work as a Human Resources representative for a major up and rising company." They both gave me with look of astonishment and swarmed me.

"Is there any hot guys?" I chuckled at them both and shrugged. 

"I don't think I ever felt that about any of the people I work with. Most feel like family." I paused and thought about Boss and if I saw him that way. "As for my boss, I guess he's kinda nice looking but it's against policy for any inter-work-relationships. So even if I did find someone hot at work I wouldn't be allowed to pursue them."

Plus even if I had gotten intimate with someone, I bear a mark of the Dorian group that is hard to hide and would be found out. The symbol of the group was not only its letters but also a black wolf with red eyes. Boss, to ensure that I wouldn't be able to escape, had a tattoo that covered my whole back that was a wolf howling up my back covered in smoke with the letters of the Dorian group hidden in the smoke. It had taken three days to complete but Boss had given me time to heal before asking me back to work.

"Can we meet him? Just because you work for him and can't have him doesn't mean we can't." A piece of panic ran through my veins and I shook my head.

"He is too busy making sure the company keeps moving to worry about that." Lexi sighed and reached for her carry on bag and suit case. Kaitlyn seemed like she was interested in the conversation but otherwise wasn't too worried about the relationship.

We didn't have to wait long as soon a perfectly dressed stewardess strode through a door that led to outside.

"If you ladies will follow me, I will lead you to your jet. Please make sure to have all of your belongings and do not worry for carry-ons as it will all be handled aboard." We didn't have to hear another syllable before we were all on our way out the door. Like an excited pack of wolves, we wove around one another as we followed the lady  to a very pristine and expensive looking jet that had the Dorian Group's symbol on the side and a wolf clawing its way toward the front of the plane as the decoration.


A red carpet was lined up at the bottom of the stairs and we giggled as the lady stood off to the side and gently bowed her head as she motioned for us to ascend the staircase as if going into heaven. The girls let me go first, the steps proving a slight challenge with my stilettos but as soon as I cleared the door the pilot and co-pilot bowed and smiled at us in greeting.

"Enjoy your flight ladies," the man with more pins said and we giggled even harder at his words.

"Oh, we will," I heard Kaitlyn mumble behind me.

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