O_O" Announcement O_O"

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This isn't a chapter ^^" Sorry for getting you guys excited...

I just wanted to say that I just entered this story in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Watty Awards for 2015!!! O_O" *hides in the corner under my backyardigans blanket with my unicorn pillow pet*


Anyways, guys, wish me luck! :3 For those of you who also entered for this competition, I also wish you good luck! :3

And mahalos to Mangacrazy92 for telling me about this! ^3^ In all honesty, I had no idea what this was until she told me ^^" THANK YOU SO MUCH :3

Also, thanks to Millie_Astral who encouraged me to enter ^^ She entered one of her books and won first place last year! :D Well, duuuuh! XD I mean, it's Minty-chan! She's an awesome writer and deserved that!

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