Chapter 11: Out of The Hospital

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~Uknown POV~

What is this...? I-I don't remember anything. It's nothing but a black void.

Wait, I hear something. Something familiar...

"Brother... Big brother..." That voice. I know that voice. That's my voice.

~le Hospital~

"U-umm...I-I guess..." Rose said, cursing herself for stuttering. She one again sat down and stared out the window, not knowing what to do and why Vector asked her to stay.

Awkward silence filled the room again as both teenagers sat there in the room with nothing to say to each other. The silence was unbearably uncomfortable between the two. Fortunately for both teens, Vector soon fell asleep from fatigue and gave into the dreams ahead of him.

Rose looked over at the crazed Barian and smiled. He looked so peaceful in his sleep even though he looked like a complete, whacked up hobo. His chest steadily rose and fell in a nice steady pace and his face was plastered with a smile on it. Rose presumed that the boy was having a good dream, though, she did wonder what it was.

Minutes later, Nahoa came into the room to check up on Vector. He spotted his daughter sitting on the chair beside the bed and stepped out of the room before she could see him. Hmmm... Now what is that idiot doing in there? the father asked himself, risking another peek inside the room.

As he peeked in, Nahoa saw that his daughter was now sitting on the bed, stroking Vector's hair. The boy smiled, reached up and grabbed Rose's hand. Nahoa looked back at his daughter and saw a quiet blush creeping up on her face.

As Nahoa saw the blush on his daughter's face, he could only think of one thing to say about the scene before him. I ship this~.

~Le Time Skip~

Vector woke up and sat up in his bed. It was the afternoon and the sun's rays were beaming from the window. Thankfully, the curtains were blocking them.

The crazed Barian smiled as he looked at the calendar. This was be his last day in the hospital which made the crazed Barian excited. Though he did like staying in bed and missing out on school, the hospital was so unbearable.

Everyday it was the same thing over and over again. It was like he'd gone into an endless routine of getting up, getting checked on, doing some other routinely stuff, going to sleep and then repeating it all the next day.

Nahoa came into the room with a clipboard in his hand. He smiled at the boy and sat down on the bed. "Excited to leave?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

Vector nodded excitedly to which the doctor laughed at. Nahoa did some last check ups on Vector then took the boy to the front desk and signed him out. The two shook hands and then the Barian was off.

He stepped out of the hospital and took a deep breath of the nice, fresh, not hospital air. It sure did felt nice to move around.

"Vector! Hey, Vector, over here!" called a familiar voice. Said Barian looked to the side and saw the other Barian Emperors in their school uniforms.

It was Alito who was calling the crazed Barian. He and Girag were waving to Vector.

Vector waved back, glad to see someone he knew. The Barian walked over to the group of Barians and had a small chat with them.

"Have you guys seen Astral and Yuma?" The Barians sighed at Vector's question.

"Again with this? Vector, you just got out of the hospital!"

Vector crossed his arms stubbornly, giving his fellow Barians a stern look. "I'm still going."

The Barian Emperors sighed and finally gave in. "Come on, follow us. We know where Yuma and Astral are." Dumon said and with that, everyone followed his lead.

~Yuma's house~

A knock at the door woke Yuma up from his afternoon nap. Reluctantly, he got up and answered the door with a yawn. Though his eyes were very droopy, they immediately snapped open once the young boy saw Shark and the other Barian Emperors before him.

"Yuma, Vector's here to see Astral." Nasch said. Yuma nodded and let everyone in without a word. As the Barians entered, Yuma ran up the stairs to his room to get Astral.

A few minutes passed by with nothing but silence. Yuma came down with Astral floating behind him with his arms crossed.

"I assume that you are ready?" Astral asked Vector. The Barian nodded. "Good. Vector, you are going to need to lie down."

Vector complied with Astral's construction and laid down on the couch in the living room. He closed his eyes as Astral placed his hand on the Barian's forehad and took a deep breath.

Even though Vector already saw darkness before him since his eyes were closed, the moment Astral gained access to his mind surrounded him with darkness.

The Barian looked around in the darkness and some distance away, he saw a dim light.

"Astral!" Vector called, immediately recognizing the astral being.

The astral being looked over to Vector and floated towards him. "Vector? Where are we?" Astral asked, his tone full of confusion. "I was supposed to enter your mind and seaerch it, but I ended up here..."

"Somewhere in my mind, I guess, but why am I here?" replied the Barian looking around at the darkness. That's all there was; darkness.

Astral shook his head for he did not know the reason for Vector's presence. Usually when the astral beings examines or accesses someone's mind it's only him who's in there and no one else, including the person he was examining.

"Maybe something went wrong.. I may have forgotten to do something before I entered your mind." Astral explained thoughtfully.

"What are you doing here?!" Yelled a feminine voice.

Astral and Vector turned around. Before them was a girl.

She had an angry look on her face and her fists were clenched. A dark aura surrounded her, intimidating both the Astral Being and the Barian. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here!"

The girl snapped her fingers and with that, Astral and Vector were out.
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Hey! :D Did of you guys get the new update for Wattpad? Although it was annoying at first, it's awesome! XD

Also, sorry for not updating in a while. ^^" I've been pretty busy with school, my new job, and drawing stuff which I'm not supposed to do! XD

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting you guys! :3

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