Chapter 8: Shining Knight

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"I shall reveal my identify on one condition, your majesty!" The cloaked figure said. He/She drew a sword from inside his/her cloak and implanted it in the ground before him/her.

The crowd was silent. The air was tense. Everything in that moment felt like it was going to burst in flames at the suspense of things!

The king growled, clenching his fists with glares like that of sharp knives. "You are in no condition to make requests, peasant! Reveal yourself or you shall face my wrath!"

The cloaked figure laughed and spoke, his/her voice filled with confidence. "With all due respect, I am not afraid, sire. As I said before, I will reveal who I am on ONE condition!"

Everyone looked to the king. There was a deep scowl on his face as he glared at the man/woman in the figure. Every man, woman and child alike all stared.

After moments of tense silence, the king decided to let whoever this fool was a chance. It would amuse him to know what he had in mind. For now.

"Very well," the king announced. "I will go along with your 'condition.' For now. But if you prove to nothing but a waste of time, then I shall have you executed right here, right now! Do you or do  you not accept?!'

The cloaked figure smirked under his/her hood. "I accept!"

"Then state your condition!"

"I ask, sire, that you let me, a plain simple peasant in your kingdom, to battle the winner or the Knights Festivals trials or, if you'd enjoy it more, have me battle all of them!"

The king raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the cloaked figure's proposal as the crowd gasped, laughed, and mocked the cloaked figure. "And in return?"

"In return, I ask that you grant me the status of Shining Knight and not any of these delinquents. If I do fail and lose to any of them, you may kill me on the spot. However, if I don't lose and I win then I get the title."

Once again, the crowd gasped, laughed and mocked the cloaked figure. To be able to defeat all the candidates all by him/herself? Impossible, they thought. Simply impossible.

The king scratched his chin as he looked down at the cloaked figure with a concentrated expression. A devious smile crossed and a glimmer in his eyes showed on his face. "Very well then, but I will be changing your condition only a tad bit, if you don't mind."

"And what would that be, sire?"

"That you not battle any of the candidates, but the kingdom's Shining Knight itself, Sir Lancelot." the crowd gasped, shocked at the king's idea. Spar with Sir Lancelot and win? Now, that was truly impossible! Okay, maybe it wasn't, but still! No has has been able to defeat the Shining Knight since... Well, no one remembers.

The cloaked figure laughed just as something clicked in Vector's head. Now, that he thought about it, that voice sounded familiar, but who did it belong to? The young prince looked at the cloaked figure's hood, hoping to at least what his/her face looked like, but alas, it was in vain. 

"I accept, your majesty!" 


Sir Lancelot made his way down until he reached the battle ground. Just as always, the knight wore his trademark white armor. His blonde hair was kept in a neat ponytail, his green eyes focused. 

The knight stopped right in front of the cloaked figure and raised his hand. Lancelot was much taller than the cloaked figure. He practically towered over everyone at 6' 4", but compared to the cloaked figure, it looked like Lancelot was a giant!

After the two shook hands, the king ordered the cloaked figure who he/she was. The cloaked figure complied and with a swing of his/her arm,  the cloak came off.

The crowd was once again stunned into silence as they saw the face of the cloaked figure. It was not a man or a boy who hid under cloak, no! It was a girl.


Vector woke up and bolted up. His head hit something causing a bruise to form on his forehead. Someone fell back with a yelp and landed on the floor. The crazed Barian looked over and saw Shark on the floor rubbing his forehead.

Shark looked up at Vector with an annoyed expression. "You dingus! What was that for?!" he stood up then pulled up a chair and sat on it, still rubbing his forehead.

"Sorry, Nasch." Vector replied. His voice sounded distant.

Shark raised an eyebrow in suspicion "Something the matter?"

It was some time before Vector replied. He was collecting his thought on all the visions that recently bombarded him. After some moments of silence he looked up at Shark. "When you were getting your memories from your past, how did you feel?"

Shark was caught off guard. Why would Vector ask something like that? "Well, I was very confused and, honestly, it felt heartbreaking to know that the people that I was fighting so hard against were my own people and my friends were me enemies. 

The crazed Barian nodded then looked out the window, seemingly in a daze. Silence filled the room then Shark got up from his chair, telling Vector that he was going to get the his doctor and tell him that Vector was awake.

Vector simply nodded, not really paying attention to him.

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Hey, guys! ^^ I hope you like this chappy today! If it was short, I'm sorry. I'm trying to not make my chapters too long since that last one was SUPER long. ^^" 

Now, the chapters will be aroud 700-2000 words so ya'll won't get bored from it annoying longness XP

Also, I checked my book's status and OMG!! It has 235 comments and 64 votes!!! >w< Mahalos so much, guys! I've never had this much comments on any of my books in my life! This is so amazing! You all get cookies and chocolate pie for being awesome, commenting, voting and reading! :D *give you cookies and chocolate pie!*

As always, thanks so much for reading, commenting, and voting! :3 I love you all!! May the aloha spirit be with you!

May you all have a swankified dayyyy!!! (If ANYONE can get that refrence, I will give them a chapter dedication!!! BIG HINT: It's from a musical!! :D)

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