Chapter 4: Telling The Others

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After some silence, Vector finally spoke up "Lately, I've been having these...visions..." The Barian said reluctantly.

The being across from him raised his eyebrow in a "Really?" way. "What do you mean by 'visions', Vector?"

Vector took in a deep breath and started to explain all that happened to him since the visions started happening. "Okay. It started about a month after you and Yuma defeated Don Thousand with the power of Zexal. I was having a normal day, like usual, spending some time alone in the park."

Astral disrupted him and asked, "A month? So, you mean eleven months ago?" Vector nodded in response. "Then why did you not ask earlier about it?"

Vector shrugged. "I don't know, to be honest. At first, I thought the visions were just dreams cuz they came to me when I was asleep, so I thought they'd go away, but then they started coming to me during random times in the day. I didn't know how serious they were and how they bothered me until now..."

"What so you mean by 'bother you'?" Astral asked, scratching his chin while listening intently to the Barian before him.

Vector paused to collect this thoughts for some time. "Well, at first the visions were only about me, but then this girl with scarlet hair suddenly came in one of them and she's been in every single vision since then." he finished with a sigh.

Astral remained silent, collecting his thoughts just as Vector did. Everything was quiet until Astral finally spoke "Maybe these are not visions are connected to something from your past life."

Vector cocked his head to the side in confusion. "But how?"

Astral opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly interrupted by the bell ringing, signaling the end of class and the school day. Vector sighed and walked out of the bathroom, Astral following behind, to see Yuma carrying his own bag along with Vector's bag with Rio, Tori, and Shark. By the looks of it, it seemed like they were trying to find Vector.

Yuma was the first to spot Vector near the bathroom. The human body excitedly waved over to him then ran over and gave Vector his bag. Vector replied with a simple "thanks" and went back into the bathroom to change.

Fully clothed in his second year uniform, Vector came out of the bathroom and walked out of the gym with everyone.

The hallways were already empty save for a teacher here and there. At the entrance to the building, everyone said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

Tori was the first to leave the group since her house was the farthest away. The rest of them watched her walk until she turned a corner. Once Tori turned that corner, Astral turned to Vector. "Vector, I will think about what you told me earlier. I will tell you my thoughts tomorrow when I see you again."

"What thing?" Shark, Rio, and Yuma said in unison. Astral turned to Vector, asking him if he had told the others or not about his visions, which the Barian replied with a "no."

Rio crossed her arms disapprovingly at Vector, glaring at him with demanding eyes. Vector knew then that he couldn't keep the visions a secret anymore. He had to tell everyone who was here.

In all honesty, Vector hated the idea of telling everyone about his visions and to make matters worse, right at that time, Alito, Girag showed up from the building and Mizael and Dumon were walking towards them as they spoke.

Now, Vector had to tell everyone, whether he liked it or not.

"What's with the looks?" Dumon asked as he and Mizael reached the group of middle schoolers. Rio turned to him and told him about how Vector was "hiding" something.

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