Chapter 9: Rose (Don't COPY Me!)

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Hallow~! The guy in the picture is Nahoa! ^3^ I don't own it so don't get all gaga crazy about it!

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~Rose's POV~

After Rei fainted right in front of me I panicked. His friends quickly rushed over and that guy with the gray hair checked on him. Before I knew it everyone was on a rush to the hospital then we bursted through the hospital doors.

Rei was taken to an examining room, emergence room, whatever! We waited in the waiting room for some time then a doctor came out and told us Rei's condition. He was fine phyiscally but something major was going on in his head.

A boring explanitation later and the doctor led us to Rei's room where he would be staying until he was fine.

Everyone sat in the room on some chairs the doctor and nurses brought in. They were all silent and after some time, they exchanged some words with one another.

I didn't pay attention to what they said; I didn't care. All I wanted to know was if Rei was okay or not.

~Time Skip Cuz The Author Is Lazy :P~

I woke up to the sound of my Duel Gazer ringing on my cabinet. I checked the time on my alarm clock; it said 3 A.M. It's three in the  god damn morning! Who the hell is calling me at this hour?! If it's another prank call, I swear, I'm going to get whoever it is!

Reluctanly, I got up and picked up my Duel Gazer then pressed the answer button. "Hello?" I said in a grumpy voice.

"Rose!" Yuma yelled in my ear through the duel gazer. Geez, that kid is loud! He sounded excited as usual. When isn't he excited? "Rei's awake! C-"

I didn't listen to what else Yuma had to say. I dropped my Duel Gazer and sped out my room as fast as my feet could take me.

As I was running to the hospital I realized that I was still in my pajamas; a XL shirt and a pair of shorts. Shit! I wasn't even wearing my comfy slippers or a friggin bra for that matter! What the hell is wrong with me?! Whatever! I didn't have time to go back home and change, the hospital is already in view!

I ran into the hospital and took a left turn towards the stairs. As soon as I got the door to open, I ran up the stairs, ignoring the burn in my legs and my heavy breath, up to the fifth floor. I got to the fifth floor and bolted to Rei's room with one last burst of energy.

By the time I reached Rei's room, I was panting like a dog. Everyone was there and they were all looking at me weird. I looked up at them, still trying to catch my breath.

"Rose, did you run all the way here?" the green-haired girl asked. I think her name is Tori. Whatever, at the moment, I don't care. And since I was still trying to catch my breath, I only nodded in response.

"You know, I could've picked you up if you stayed on the phone long enough." Shark said with a slight smirk on his face. Stupid fish!

I finall caught my breath "Doesn't matter and I don't care. How's Rei?" I asked with obvious concern in my voice. I saw Tori and Cathy give me a sly smile which EVERY girl understood. I glared at them and that was enough to stop with the stupid smiles. That's what I thought. Bunch of bitches. 

If I seem a bit mean right now it's because I'm sleppy which makes me grumpy. I don't like an early awakening! Who does?! I ha-

"I'm fine, Rose." a voice said, breaking me from my thoughts. I looked towards the bed to see Rei sitting up.

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